flashed before her eyes

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"—up. Jade? Jade!"

Jade slowly opens her eyes, and winces immediately when the hospital lights blink back at her. Her bones feel like they've turned to liquid.

She stands up immediately. Caroline. Katherine. She sways a little in her feet and Stefan steadies her.

"Where's Caroline?!"

"That's what we were hoping you could tell us," Damon says.

She looks around the room frantically. Caroline is nowhere to be seen. Only Stefan and Damon are with her. She brings a hand to her face and finds that it comes away coated with blood, which is definitely why both of their eyes are fully black.

The blood was still fresh. She hadn't been out too long. Okay. Caroline had to be nearby.

But Katherine had vampire speed. She could be anywhere.

"She took Caroline! Katherine! She was here! She...I..."

Jade slumps to the floor. Fuck. Caroline was gone. She couldn't protect her, again. She had failed. Again.

"This can't be happening."

"Hey, hey." Stefan cups her face in his hands to stop her from panicking. Even though she's bleeding, his face has gone completely normal. "It's okay. We're going to find her. Caroline is going to be fine."

"You don't know that."

"You're right. I don't. But we'll try our level best." He turns to Damon. "Get Alex and Elena to search the carnival. Ask Bonnie if she can figure out how to do a locator spell."

Damon nods and vampire speeds out of the room. Jade's shoulders start to shake. This cannot be happening. This isn't happening.

Stefan puts an arm under hers and lifts her to her feet. "Come on. Let's get you home."

"What am I going to tell mom?" She says with horror. "I can't tell her—"

"We'll go to Bonnie's house. We'll find Caroline."

"She could be dead already, Stefan!"

"We're going to proceed as if she's still alive and missing. Jade..." He tilts her chin up so she can look him in the eyes. "I promise you. I will find her. Just...trust me."

She searches his eyes for a minute. Stefan has never lied to her before, at least not outright. Every cell in her body hopes that he's not about to start right now. She finds no traces of anything but honesty in those green eyes, and she knows that his words are true.

Jade swallows. "Okay. I trust you."


Bonnie attempts to do the locator spell, but it doesn't seem to be working. Stefan and Damon are outside searching the town at vampire speed, while Jade tries the compass. Alex and Elena have gotten Jeremy, Jenna Alaric to search for her as well.

They had gotten Caroline's blood from the I. V. drip that she had been hooked up to. The blood was in the middle of the Mystic Falls map, and it was not moving.

"It's not working."

"Keep trying,"

"I can't! It's not working!"

Jade looks at Bonnie pleadingly. "Bonnie, please! It's Caroline! Just think about her and try!"

Bonnie looks at her with a pained expression, and nods and shuts her eyes. She starts chanting something in some language Jade doesn't understand, and the blood moves an inch.

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