love the heat

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For the first time in a long time, Jade had been wrong. Stefan and Elena hadn't gotten back together.

There was still the rest of the week to see who won the bet. But Stefan had been acting as though he was okay with this. Sure, he seemed upset, but it didn't look like he wanted to put in any efforts to get her back. Jade thought back to what he'd revealed to her the other night, but she didn't really understand why.

None of that mattered now, anyway. Because Elena and Stefan couldn't get back together if Elena was missing.

"This has Katherine written all over it."

Damon shakes his head. "Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in."

"Did you?"

Damon gives him a look. "Did I what, Stefan?"

"Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you."

"She's in the tomb, period. End of story but well...she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying."

"What did she say?"

"Elena's in danger."


"What? And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?"

"Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?"

"We have to go talk to her."

Alex shakes his head. "There's no need."

Jade and Alex exchange a look. "Well...we know how to find her."


"I might have... had Jeremy put something in her necklace that can uh...tell us where she is at all times."

"What?" Stefan asks in disbelief. "You put a tracker on her?"

"It's not my fault! She kept getting herself kidnapped!"

Alex nods. "And it's come in handy now. So don't complain."

"Wonderful," says Damon, "I'll drive."


They were unfortunately in Damon's car this time, which meant they had to listen to his old ass music. Alex glared at the radio every fifteen seconds.

"Can you put anything that is from this century? We get it. You're ancient."

"Hey, I listened patiently to your music on the last trip. It's my turn now."

Lexi gives them a side smile. "You're lucky I didn't pick the music."

Stefan shrugs. "I'm not sure I would have minded that."

"We would," Jade and Alex chorused.

Jade was inspecting one of Alaric's weapons that they'd brought along with them for the rescue mission. She wondered if she should collaborate with Alaric to make some more weapons that were werewolf specific. Considering that Tyler Lockwood had killed someone and was now a werewolf.

Damon looks at her in the mirror. "Alaric sure likes his weapons. What the hell is that?"

"It's a vervain grenade," Jade says excitedly. "You throw it at someone and it lets out a huge amount of vervain, temporarily immobilising them."

"Should we be concerned?" Stefan asks.

Alex takes the grenade and turns it over in his hands. "Who do you think took her?"

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