beautiful fire

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It was the day of the masquerade. The day that they were finally planning to kill Katherine Pierce. For once and for all.

She had shown up and threatened Caroline to tell Damon and Stefan to hand over the moonstone to her at the masquerade. They had immediately devised a plan to get rid of her.

They were all in the living room at the Salvatore boarding house. Alaric had brought weapons for all of them. "Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?"

"No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this."

"Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight."

Jade hands him a vial. "It'll put her to sleep. For a good few hours. Maybe give Jenna some too, if you need it."

Stefan nods and turns back to the group. "Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand."

Damon looks at everyone one by one. "Yeah. Cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong if someone chickens out. Caroline."

Caroline was the one who had been killed and constantly tormented by Katherine. Jade had argued with her about not going, but it was impossible to change her sister's mind.

"I won't. Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around."

Lexi smirks. "Oh, I took care of Mason."

Jeremy nods. "And as long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn."

"Bonnie? Are you with us?"

There is a long pause as everyone waits for Bonnie's answer. Jade knows what they would do if she said no. She exchanges a discreet glance with Lexi.

"But no one gets hurt."

Damon nods. "Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart."


They all head to the party separately, so as to not draw suspicion. Jade, Alex and Caroline arrive together and Caroline immediately heads for the drinks table.

Jade strides alongside her. "Hey, are you sure you can do this?"

"Yes, Jade. The same answer I've given you the last one hundred times you asked me."

"Okay. Good." Jade spots Paxton in the crowd and smiles. "I'll be back."

His gaze does not divert from her until she reaches him. "This might be a bit too forward. I thought you were pretty when I met you in school. But right're stunning."

"Thank you. You know what I thought when I first saw you?"


She smirks. "I think I'll make you work for it."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now