super sweet taste

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Caroline is fast asleep when Jade checks on her in the morning, and her own eyes are burning from the all nighter. She carefully slips under Caroline's blanket, so as to not wake her up and goes to sleep herself.

They're both woken up a few hours later when their mother roughly throws the door open, and startles when she sees them. Right. Jade hadn't explained anything yet.

"Caroline?" She walks over to her and examines her face. Caroline winces a little because of the sunlight, but their mother probably thinks it's due to her injuries. "You're okay." She turns to Jade. "I said she was dying."

"She made a miraculous recovery. The... doctor's couldn't explain it. But they thought she was well enough to discharge, and said she should take it easy for a few days."

Jade hopes she's concerned about Caroline enough to not see through the bad lie or investigate it.

She hugs Caroline hurriedly. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Caroline pats her back, slightly stiff. Jade sees her eyes darken and veins descend from them. She shakes her head roughly at Caroline who starts taking deep breaths until they go back to normal.

"Mom, careful! She's still sore."

She nods and releases her. Thankfully, she hadn't noticed anything amiss. Her mother leaves the room, and Caroline whirls on Jade. "Were you just sleeping next to me? Jade! What if I attacked you?!"

"My blood has vervain. It's okay. It's safe. You wouldn't have—"

"I was just about to attack mom!"

"But you didn't! You calmed down."

She gets up and immediately winces when sunlight through the curtains hits her skin. "Stefan and Damon can walk in the sun right?"


"Well, how do I do it?"


Stefan and Bonnie show up soon to solve Caroline's daylight problem. Bonnie has Emily's grimoire in her hands and Caroline is frowning at the ring they've brought.

"So, I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?"

Bonnie gives her a shrug. "Hey, if you don't want it..."

"No, no, she wants it."

"Now what?"

"Now is the part where I explain the rules. The witch who spells the ring has the power to de-spell it so if you ever do anything to hurt anyone..."

Caroline looks at her 'best friend' in disbelief. "I'm not gonna hurt anyone."

Bonnie glares at her. "You are a vampire that means the urge to kill is a part of who you are. The minute you let it take over, I will stop you."

"What the hell, Bonnie?" Jade asks.

"Bonnie, you're supposed to be my friend."

"I can't ignore what happened, okay? If you want to be friends, you have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone. Now put the ring on the bed."

Jade waits. She tries to reel the anger in. Bonnie's grams died because of vampires. That's why she's reacting like this. It's not her fault.

"Do you really think I meant to kill that guy at the carnival?"

"He's still dead. Now, do you want me to cast the spell or not?"

Calm down. Don't do anything that could change Bonnie's mind about the ring.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now