you get to know her

427 29 15


It's been another long day of absolutely nothing happening in Alaric's apartment. Klaus had gone off somewhere with the guy from earlier, who was a warlock. Katherine informed her that he was going to get his original body back, which meant that he had a face after all.

Jade sits down next to Katherine. "So, here's what I don't get."

Katherine groans. "We're going to be here all night."

"Rude." Jade clears her throat. Her own question was a bit rude as well. "Have you ever cared about someone other than yourself?"

"And you called me rude."

"No, that's not an insult. I'm genuinely asking. In all these years all you've done is run from Klaus. Have you even tried to like...put down roots somewhere?"

Katherine stared off into space. "It would have been too risky."


"What would you have done in my place?" Katherine bit out.

"I would not be nearly as stubborn on staying alive. I'd probably just die."

Katherine gives her an annoyed look.

"What? It's true! What good is living like that? Always running. Always looking over your shoulder. I think I'd rather just be dead."

"Living out of a suitcase is a lot better than being dead."

"We can agree to disagree."

They sit in silence for a minute.

"What exactly did you tell Klaus about me? Why would he kidnap me out of everyone in the group?"

"I told him everything I knew. You're close to almost everyone in the group. That was probably why."

Jade gives her a disbelieving look. "Just tell me the truth. What's the point in lying now?"

Katherine rolled her eyes. "It's probably your relationship with Stefan."

"Excuse me?"

"Klaus asked a lot of questions about Stefan. I'm guessing that means something. He's keeping you here, so that he can hurt you to control Stefan when the time comes."

There was absolutely no way that was true. Why would Klaus even want Stefan?

She sits back and glares at Katherine. "Fine. Don't tell me."

Katherine taps the desk for a while before getting bored. She rummages through Alaric's stuff and Jade watches her with alarm. "What are you doing?"

"I'm bored."

"So go to sleep."

Katherine gives her a look before finding a radio and turning it all the way up. A random upbeat song starts playing and Katherine sways a little.

"Really? We're probably going to die soon and you're dancing?"

"It is way too depressing in here, don't you think?"

Katherine gives her a hand and she stares at it for a second. Then she shrugs. Oh well. She was going to die anyway. She might as well enjoy herself. She lets Katherine lead her to the middle of the room and they dance around wildly for a minute.

Katherine sits down on a swivel chair and starts spinning around when she gets tired of dancing. Jade rummages through another cupboard and strikes gold. She places the bottle of bourbon on the desk. "Look what I found."

"Thank god."

She goes to get glasses, but stops short when she hears a knock on the door. She and Jade exchange glances.

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