Pride Cake and Coming Out(Angel Dust[Hazbin Hotel] X Human!Reader)

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Author's note first: I've made up my mind and I've decided to take a break from Wattpad and see how this whole thing goes. I love posting and I don't want to leave, but I post at the expense of a certain feeling that I only get when I write specifically for myself and keep those writings private. I'm hoping this break can give me an idea for some kind of balance so I can post and keep the feeling, but we'll see. Something tells me I won't be on a break for long. For now, thank you all so much for 20K reads. I never expected anyone to like my stuff this much when I first started out and I couldn't be happier that my writing has made a positive impact on people.

Angel Dust won the request game I set up. So, Lauren137724 and Amber13525, here's your prize.

Now, onto the one shot backstory since I haven't posted the confession one shot for Angel Dust, which is the backstory of how he ends up with a female reader instead of a male reader. I made a redemption AU for him in which Lucifer has files on every living human on earth for a reason I can't remember. Charlie finds the reader's and since Angel's been clean for three months, she sends him up to the overworld to live with the reader since her file claims she's practically a saint in comparison to some of the other files and Charlie thinks she'd be a good influence to keep him clean. As cliche as it is, at first glance, Angel becomes sexually attracted to her while still being attracted to men, making him bisexual. As time goes on and he becomes her roommate, romantic feelings evolve and the rest is history. 

In my defense, the wiki states he's done porn with both male and female demons, so he could hypothetically be bi if he weren't canonically gay. Please don't come bashing me for changing his sexuality since people do ship him with Charlie, and Charlie's bisexual. So.

Last but most certainly not least, Happy Pride Month, everyone. I'm bisexual and proud as fuck. To anyone still in the closet, come out when you feel comfortable and fuck everyone who is against you. We love you and are so proud of you.🏳️‍🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍🏳️‍⚧️


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I walked into the house with four bags of groceries. "I'm back, Angel!"

"Comin'!" he called from upstairs. He came down moments later. "That was fast."

"I didn't have to get much," I reasoned, leading him to the kitchen. I set the bags on the counter. Angel Dust helped me put everything away.

The last thing he pulled out was a contained eight inch round sheet cake. It was white with rainbow icing on both top and bottom circumferences. Rainbow sprinkles adorned the flat top. "What's the occasion? Ya never get cake and that's a crime in itself."

I giggled softly. "They had it on one of the bakery displays in between the clothes and food section. It's for pride."

"Pride?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Queer pride. June's Pride Month," I explained.

"Wait, really? That didn't used to be a thing," he said.

"Yeah, it's a recent thing. If you count around 20 years as being recent," I said.

He opened the container after grabbing a knife. A bare finger swiped some red icing from the bottom circumference  and Angel held it to my mouth. I sucked his finger clean. "Good?" he asked.

"Yeah. You'll like this," I smiled.

He got two plates and two forks. Our slices were plated and we sat on the couch after closing the cake container and putting it in the fridge. We ate in a comfortable silence.

Until I broke it after a lot of hesitation."Um, on the topic of pride.."

The demon looked down at me. "Yeah, schnookums?"

"I don't know if this changes anything between us.."

"It won't."

"..I'm bisexual."

A happy, toothy smile spread across Angel Dust's face. "Are ya comin' out to me or is this a bit of info you've been keepin' to yourself?"

I couldn't help the giggle at how his smile was. "I'm coming out. You're the second person I've told. (Best Friend's Name) was the first."

"Awww," he cooed. He pulled me into his lap with his free set of arms. "(Y/N), I'm so proud of you. I'm honored that you told me. It takes a lotta trust in someone to come out to 'em. I'm bi, too, since we're doin' this."

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yep. I used to be gay, but that fuckin' shit with Val. Then the files thing happened and as cheesy as it is, you were kinda the breakin' point. I mean, look at ya. Who wouldn't wanna bang you? I know fuckable. I used to be Hell's biggest pornstar," he explained.

"This doesn't change anything between us?"

"Nope. Never has, never will. I love ya and that's that."

"Lean down, Angel."

He did as told. After setting our plates aside, I held his head in my hands and passionately kissed him. He giggled into the kiss then kissed back just as passionately with both sets of arms around me. We pulled back after a few long moments.

"I'm proud of you, (Y/N). Thanks for telling me."

"I'm proud of you too, Angel. I love you, too."

"Happy fuckin' Pride, schnookums."

"Happy fuckin' Pride, angel cake."


Well, this is it, guys. I'm hoping I'll be back, but until then, always embrace your weirdness and I'll see you around. This isn't goodbye.

I love you all and thank you all so much for the support. 

-The Self Shipping Weirdo

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