Thoughts & Music

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Ashley's Pov
We came back down and left the Ferris wheel. We never finished the game but I think everybody needed to think for a while. We went to a booth were they sold some fries, each of us got some and we sat down and ate. "When do you have to be back at the orphanage?" Lizzie asked and Y/n answered: "Like a few minutes before 8".

After we ate we walked back to the car, Y/n got into the backseat and me and Ashley in the front. We drove her home and we walked her to the the front door, before she got inside she said: "Thank you so much for today, it was really fun." "It was a pleasure!" I said. She smiled and went inside.

Y/n's Pov
I went inside with the biggest smile. Today was great, I went into my room and Sue was in the bathroom. I put my school bag down and my turtle on my bed.

Lizzie's Pov
Me and Ash went into the hotel, walking past the reception and taking the elevator, I am too tired to walk stairs. We went into the room and first Ashley took a shower and afterwards I did, as we got into the bed I asked her: "Ash? What are we going to do with her, when we go back to California. We can't leave her here." Ashley thought for a minute and then she answered: "I don't know. Maybe we could take her with us?" "How are you planning on doing so?" I asked. I would love to take her with us, she doesn't deserve to live here alone. "Mhm... she could live with one of us, go to a new school, build a new life!" Ashley said excited but I corrected: "No I mean legally, we can't just take her as if she is ours." "Oh I don't... I don't know. Sorry Lizzie." Ash hesitantly answered. "No no. I don't know either, I would love to take her with us. I just don't know....Do you think we could maybe adopt her?" Ashley turned her head to me and took her eyes off the ceiling and looked at me. "Adopt her? You think she would want to? After I told her why her mom left. She probably thinks differently now." Ashley said out loud her thoughts. I was at a lack of words, I hummed in agreement  and said  a 'Good night' and turned off the light.

Y/n's Pov
The day started as any other: Ms Koldrick coming into every bedroom and yelling for us to get up. After Breakfast and getting ready, we walked to school.

Today we had rehearsals for a music concert. We had a group of around 22 Students. We will start the evening with everybody coming in and playing on their instrument, after that everybody with an instrument will play some songs together and at the end we will welcome everybody to dance to music. The concert will be on Friday.

We began with the guitarist, there were around 7 guitarists. They all came together on stage, afterwards there were 6 pianists, 3 drummers, 3 trumpeter and two who play the flute and lastly me. So every instrument group came together on stage. And I was alone, because there was no other volunteer, who is able to play violin. I actually didn't volunteer but the principal made me participate as a punishment for coming late 7 times. Well...yeah.

There is one benefit from doing it alone, I can choose what to play.
I chose to play carol of the bells. It wasn't Christmas yet, but I didn't care. I love that song.

After rehearsals I went home with Sue, she doesn't play an instrument but she will be like the host. She will lead through the musical acts.

While we walked home I got a message from Ashley and she asked me if I would want to do something with them on Wednesday. I replied and wrote that I would be happy to.

The moment we opened the door we got pushed roughly into another room.

Haven't posted the last days, because I was away for the weekend in the middle of nowhere

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