On the way...

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Elizabeth's Pov:
My parents answered the phone with an hello and so did we. Afterwards they asked: "Is anything wrong? Why did you call." Silence. I saw that Ashley was hesitating, scared to deliver the message, so I talked instead: "The man, that we hired, found something out about MK." "Oh, but isn't that wonderful?" my mother said enthusiastically.

Silent tears fell down on my sister's face. And I told my parents what we found out. My parents cried as well and so did I. After a few minutes I told them about Y/n, Mary's daughter.

Ashley told them, that we will take a plane to fly over and visit her. We agreed on that while we were on the way back from John's office.

Flashback: While we were driving Ashley asked: "What are we going to do? About her daughter? I mean maybe she doesn't know us or already found another family or she lives with her father. Just because MK isn't married anymore, doesn't mean that the marriage was horrible on Y/n. Maybe we shouldn't intrude." I understood why she said that but I disagreed with her: "Maybe she knows about us or maybe she doesn't. And if she doesn't know about us, it would be mean to let her live in a belief that she lost all her family and if she has a new one, then she can decide if she wants to know us or not. I think the worst that we could do is that we don't tell her."
Ashley nodded and said: "You're right, then let's find her."
Flashback ends.

We asked them if they want to tag along, but my mother isn't to found of flying and my father wasn't happy about the idea. It was like, he didn't want us to meet MK's daughter. We talked for a bit more and then hung up. It was late and we went to bed.

The next morning me and my sister began packing. We wanted to leave as soon as possible since we already wasted 14 months and more. I drove back to my house to get some more clothes. Ashley and I packed clothes and all that stuff for around 3 weeks. The plane was set for around 7 p.m..

Ashley's Pov
Lizzie and I left my house at around 4 p.m., so we could go eat some where and then go to the airport. While we were driving I couldn't think about anything except how we will meet our niece. I couldn't help but think that maybe she doesn't like us or hates us, well, because MK left us and maybe MK told her why. (No you will not know yet :D ) Maybe she doesn't want us in her live or idk. I was sure Lizzie saw my worries but she probably was thinking the same things and couldn't comfort me now.

We went to a small restaurant and had something to eat. When we got to the airport and went inside we were surround by many people who wanted an autograph from me or my talented little sister. Knowing that Lizzie hates big crowds and the paparazzi, I took her hand and we went to the first class lounge because paparazzi and etc. weren't allowed there.

Soon it was time to board the plan and we sat down in our seats. The flight was ordinary. It took around 5 hours. When we landed it was around 2 in the morning. We quickly rented a car and drove half an hour and rented a hotel room in Pierz. The moment we got into our room, we crashed down on the bed.

I laid in the bed awake thinking about tomorrow. I couldn't sleep. I was so overtaken by thoughts, I didn't even realized that it was already five in the morning. Only then did I realized, when I heard Lizzie's quiet snores. She only snores when she's sleeping deeply.
Soon sleep overtook me and I fell asleep.

👀 Yeah no idea what to say here. Soooo I guess today it's just: Hi!!!

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