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Ms. Narita's Pov

Y/n ran out and she looked sick, like she was about to puke.
She ran down the hall probably to a bathroom.

I shifted and said: "That's wrong, Tyler. Please pay attention next time." He walked back, I fixed his mistakes and told the class to start on the work sheets that I handed them a few minutes ago.

Everybody began to work and I walked over to Tina and asked: "Could you please look for Y/n? Get her to the nurse if she's not doing well." She nodded and walked out, copying the way the girl before walked.

Valentina's Pov
I walked to the bathroom, where I assumed Y/n walked in. When I went inside I heard crying and puking.
I walked over to the last stall and when she stopped puking, I asked: "You alright?" There was no answer so I slowly opened the door and walked inside.

She was sitting on the ground, tears freely falling from her eyes and her hand is up to her mouth to either silence the sobs or stop the puking.

I sat down on the ground in front of her. "Are you sick? What have you eaten?" I asked and she said: "I'm not sick and I ate an apple." Her voice was shaky.

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" I questioned, already knowing her answer. I was proven right, when she shook her head.

We fell into a comfortable silence. Me waiting for her to calm down but also enjoying to skip class.

"So you and Tyler?" I asked knowingly, only to be proven wrong. Her eyes widened in fear and she shook her head.
I was confused at her reaction and said: "I thought you 2 were dating? At least that is what he's telling everybody. I thought that's why you sit together and y'know touch each other?" She shook her head and eyes were clearly offended and hurt by my words.

"Then why are you sitting together? Why is he touching you?" I asked and she just looked away and a tear fell from her face.

"Oh." I said, only realizing now, that Tyler fooled us all. Realizing my mistake of thinking she would go down to such a low niveau (level).

Realizing that he is using her against her will. Abusing her in some way. She began to cry again and I was quick on apologizing.

"I'm so sorry. He's a dick. Why haven't you told anyone?" I asked and she said: "Nobody can know, please. Or he'll just do worse."

"Y/n, you need to do something against him or he won't stop and just hurt you more." I said pleadingly. I hate it, when man think that they could just walk all over us woman. We are not a toy to play with. Our body is our body. We are not a man's possession.

She shook her head defeated, but I wasn't. "There has to be something that we can do!" I said and she shook her head and said: "He won't leave me alone and his minions do what he wants." She stood up, anger building up inside her and walks out to the sink to wash her hands and mouth.

"I know it's not much and it won't solve your problem, but I could keep the seat next to me free in class." I suggested and she turned around, staring at me.

"You would do that?" she questioned in disbelief. "I don't mind and maybe I could copy your notes in math?" I said and lightly grinned. She smiled and nodded. The bell rang and me and Y/n walked back into Ms.'s class room, she was down the hall so we both just slipped in and got our bags.

We walked to drama and took different seats.

Y/n's Pov
I sat down in drama and we talked about the roles. Mrs went through a list and if somebody wants that role they would raise their hand. At the end everybody had a role except me.

"Y/n, is there any role you're interested in? The main character is still free. I think your personalities are much alike." Mrs said and before she could say more I quickly exclaimed: "I'm not gay!" The class went silent and so did Mrs. Andèraz.

Behind me I hear a girl whisper: "That we know. Her and Tyler being on cloud seven." Another girl laughs quietly and I just wonder how many damn people Tyler told this ridiculous shit.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know if I can act that well for the main character." I said, trying to cover up my exclaim. "That's okay, I'm sure that what you have will be enough. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece." Mrs. said and I just nodded.

I began to fiddle with my hands feeling too many eyes on me. Mrs. quickly went on with class.

Drama ended and I made way to the cafeteria, picking up my lunch and making my way outside, but this time I sat down else where and I purposely spilled my water over the grass.

I ate and was halfway through my meal when I saw Tyler walking over to me with a group of people. I stood up, grabbed my bag and made a run for it. I made my way back inside, my plan was to run into the girls bathroom and locking the door.

Heavy and loud footsteps were getting nearer behind me and I look back for a second only to see Tyler 2 or 3 meters away from me. Shit.

I'm sorry that new parts come out randomly, but school started and I am really busy. But I'll give my best that they will come out regularly again.

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