Visiting Ashley

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Y/n's Pov
The break ended and I quickly walked to English, there I sat next to Tina. She looked at me suspiciously and said: "What happened to your cheek? It is red like a tomato." "Nothing, everything is fine." I said innocently and brought some of my hair in front of it.

"Did he do that? Did he hit you?" she whisper screamed and I lightly scolded: "Just let it go, Tina! I'm fine." She defeatedly stopped asking questions and Ms. Narita walked in and began the lesson.

Ms Narita's classes are always good. She is funny but also kind. The way she explains things, make it easy to understand it. Her goal is not to sort the stupid students out of the smart ones, but to teach everyone so that everyone succeeds. She wants us to understand it.

The class was over and I quickly walked out, excited to see my aunt again. I made it over to the spot, where Lizzie always picks me up and I saw Ashley standing there next to her car.

I walked over to her and was greeted in a hug. "Hey little bug, how are you?" she asked and I said happily: "I'm good."
We pulled away and she grabbed my face with her hands, tucking my hair behind my ears.
She let out a gasp and asked: "Y/n, what happened to your cheek. It's all red."

"I accidentally walked into a door frame, it's nothing." I lied and laughed at the end, in hopes she would let it slide. I grabbed her hands, pulling them away from my face. She was lightly stroking over my hands and looked at me, still pondering about my lie. I just hoped that she would buy it.

She nodded and let go of my hands, walking with me to the car and getting in.

We drove to her house, it was the same city but it was around a 20 minute drive, more outside of the city. When we got there it looked like a normal home, but on inside it was magnificent.

I wasn't sure how to describe it, but I think the word "extraordinary" says it all. While Lizzie's house was decorated in one particular style, Ashley's house was covered in different styles, colors and designs. All those different themes and styles were perfectly flowing over to one another, creating one pretty image.

"Your house is amazing, I love it. It's so... so different from Lizzie's house. But in a good way." I said, while staring around, admiring all the small details. She giggled and said: "Thank you, sweetheart. How about I give you a tour and then we can eat something?" I nodded and followed her through the house.

Ashley's house was amazing, she even has an own workshop, where she designs clothes for people. It is filled with mannequins, who either are naked or wear half finished clothes, a closet full of finished clothes, a table, filled with designs on paper and fabric in all colors is everywhere.

I was currently sitting on a barstool while Ashley was cooking something 'simple' she said.

I got my homework out and started with math and soon worked on politics. Some of the questions were harder, so I just asked Ashley or Google for help.

I finished my homework and Ashley finished her special Mac and Cheese recipe. It was really delicious.

After a while she asked: "So how is school?" "Oh it's alright. It's school." I told her with a smile and she asked curiously: "Is anybody mean to you? Do I need to kick someone's butt?" I laughed at her choice of words and shook my head. "Everything is good." I told her.

She smiled and nodded. "How are your classes and teachers?" "Uhm... well Mrs Andèraz, my drama teacher, she is nice and Ms Narita, English teacher, she is cool too. Uhm... my math teacher, Mrs Schultz, I think she doesn't like me, but it's fine." I told her, in hopes it would be enough.
She nodded along, listening to me.

We finished eating and put the dishes away. She walked with me into the living room and I sat down in her hammock chair. I love hammock chairs. I made myself comfortable in it. Ashley laughed and sat down on the couch.

"So I thought that we could do a movie night today, go to the store, get some snacks, make pizza tonight and just watch some movies. Tomorrow I could take you with me to my work and also show you something -before you ask, no I won't tell you- and afterwards I would like to show you my favorite restaurant and on Sunday we could just chill or do something that you want to do."
I smiled and nodded, happy with her plans. "Sounds good. What do you want to show me tomorrow?" I asked with a grinning expression and she just threw a cushion at me and I laughed. She soon laughed too and said: "You're such a goof, you know that?" I giggled and threw the cushion back at her.

"Have you done all your homework?" she asked and raised an eyebrow at me. I chuckled and nodded. "You sure?" she asked and I sighed and said: "Yessss, I'm sure."

"Ok then let's go and get all the groceries that we need." I nodded and stood up to put on shoes.
She did the same and grabbed a bag and money.

We walked a few minutes and were now standing in front of the store.
We got a trolly and got everything that we needed. We bought everything for Pizza and some chocolate and chips for tonight.
Ashley paid and we left.

We walked through the small forest part to get to her house, when all of a sudden I loudly gasped. Ashley turned around to me and I gave her a big grin and asked happily: "You know what?" She tilted her head and said: "Oh no. What is it? Do I even want to know?"

I walked up to her and said: "You know, I think I am a tiny bit taller than you." She pulled her eyebrows closer together and said: "No you're not. You're tiny." She smiled and held up her hand, where her thumb and her index finger were short before touching, showing me how tiny I am. "Whaaaaaat? I am not. You just don't want to admit that I am taller." I said with a serious face and she broke out laughing. I slapped her lightly and it just made her lough more.

"Fine. Come on, big girl." Ashley said and I grinned, happy about my success.
We continued to walk and soon were at her house. We put the groceries away, washed our hands and began to prepare the pastry (do you call it that?) for the pizza.

My hands were full of pastry, when my phone dinged, because I got a message, so I asked Ashley to look who it was.

"It's Lizzie, she asks if you have eaten something." Ashley said while looking at my phone. "Uhm just tell her that we're on it or so." She hummed and soon held the camera, so that we can send her a picture. The picture was totally ridiculous, I was holding up my pastry hands and made a disgusted face, while Ashley made a silly face.

She wrote 'We're on it, sis.' under the picture and send it to Lizzie.
"Come on, let's get those hands clean, little bean." she said while leading me to the sink to wash my hands. "I'm not little, I'm taller than you." I exclaimed and she laughed while shaking her head. "For me, you are little. My little niece." It actually didn't offend me, it made me smile and my cheeks went pink. She pulled me in a hug and I melted into it. Consumed with the feeling of safety.

We parted and I looked at my phone to see a message from Lizzie.

We're on it, sis!

And now I am scared that Ash's house will catch flames. You two cooking can't mean anything good.

Whaaat? Everything is safe. We are professionals.

Of course you are. Just make sure that you get out safely before it burns down.

Yes, we will. Love you!

Love you too, hun.

I put my phone down, after showing Ashley what Lizzie texted.
We got the pastry out of the oven and now could put tomato sauce and cheese on it.

We put the pizza back in the oven and I sat down at the table. "Ashley, can I ask you a question?"

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