Thinking about her

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Already using the third chapter for the first day damn.

Y/n's Pov
I walked back into the music room to watch as the band has gotten into their position.
I looked for Lisa only to find her in the smaller singer/choir club.

Sir went in front of the band and the choir and lifted his arms. Before he started he looked back at me and offered: "Of course you can also be a part of the choir" "You wouldn't want that, I can't sing." He laughed at the joke and navigated the band to play. They did and I was amazed how well it sounded. Many were perfect on timing which made me nervous about joining the band.

The class soon ended and it was now lunch break. I followed Lisa to cafeteria only to see her running off with some friends.

I don't have warm lunch, I only have Lizzie's lunch with me that she made a few hours ago.
I stood around for a few minutes thinking about where to sit. I saw many tables with different groups like sport teams, nerds, girlies, emos, weirdos etc.

I didn't know where to sit so I went outside and saw a few round tables and due to the warm weather most of them were empty.
I sat down on one and took out my lunchbox.
It was filled with a sandwich, vegetables and some strawberries from her garden. I also had a bottle with apple juice.
I finished after 20 minutes and I decided to head to the library since there were still 20 minutes until the last class of the day.

I walked into the library this time there were like 4 people and the librarian Mrs. Andéraz was standing behind a small table sorting books. I greeted her quietly because she was not far away and she returned the greetings with a smile. I walked back to the beanbag and started reading the hp book.

The bell rang and I walked back to "the spot" were Lisa took off. Soon she met me there and we walked into another room and I was soon informed that this is English.

The English teacher introduced herself and I did so too. I sat in the third row, because every other place was taken.

Valentina's Pov
And again Lisa walked in with that new girl Y/n and I still can't put her right. Who does she look like? Why is she so familiar?

Ms continued the lesson and every body was filling the work sheets.

All of a sudden realization hit me. Elizabeth Olsen. She looks exactly like her. The eyes, the hair and the face features. Her looks fit but not the facts: Her last name is Y/l/n and neither Elizabeth or her siblings have children or are even married - so the internet says.

I stopped doing my work sheet and just thought about her. Why did she come here? After a month of school? Why doesn't she sit with Lisa? Why is she only 15 and still too small for that age. From her height she looks like 12. Why can't I stop thinking about her? What is her secret?

The bell rung and everybody stood up and packed their things. Lisa turned to me and asked: "Tina, why didn't you do anything? She grades the work sheets." She pointed to the teacher who was calmly waiting at her table getting handed the papers before everyone leaves.

I didn't answer Lisa and just looked back at Y/n. My eyes followed her as she walked up to Ms and handed her her papers. They talked for a second and then she left.

I looked back at Lisa who looked at me weird for staring at the new girl and I stood up. I took my paper and handed it to Ms. She looked at it and then at me confused and asked: "Why didn't you do it? Was it too hard, did you need help with it?" I just shook my head and said: "I'm sorry. I was kind out of it today." She made a pitiful look and I left.

Y/n's Pov
I finished the work sheet just in time and soon the bell rang. I packed up everything and was one of the last to give up my work sheet to the teacher. "Did you understand everything or was something new to you?" she asked to know what my knowledge is on the subject. "No everything was understandable, this is exactly what we did at my last school." She smiled and said: "Okay that's good. Just let me know when you fall behind or if something is wrong to you." I thanked her and left.

I made my way out of school and started walking home. The way home was around 14 minutes. Lizzie can drive me to school every morning but she can only pick me up when I have school longer. So we made the agreement that I just walk or take the bus home when I have a short school day.

I put on music on my headphones and started to walk. While I was walking, I looked around the city. We didn't live in San Francisco exactly and I was fine with it. We live in a city near San Francisco. The city was big but not too big. The city was really beautiful at least what I've seen. The city is decorated with many small fields, it is pretty green like you can see many palms or trees next to streets and shopping malls. The city looks eco friendly. It feels calm to walk through. My grandparents live in a village which is around an hour away from our city.

I walked up a road that leads into a small neighborhood, which was a bit richer but not too obvious to see.  I haven't met Lizzie's neighbors yet but I am not sure if she is friends with them.

I walk up to the front door of the house which was surrounded by different and beautiful flowers which made the white house look colorful.
I turned the key in the lock, went in and closed the door.

I took off my shoes and put the water bottle and lunch box into the dish washer. I walk up the stairs put my school bag down near the table and started on doing my homework.

I was deep in doing my homework and listening to Musik when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

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