She knows.

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Y/n's Pov
"I uhh I got wet." I said stuttering. "I see that, I mean: How did you get wet?" she asked concerned.
"I uhhhm... I..." Fuck what do I say?
She saw me hesitating and her gaze softened.

"It's fine, you don't have to tell me. But do you need clothes or something?" She asked worried and I shook my head, surprised about her kindness.

She watered her plant, gave me a small smile, "See you soon" she said while leaving the girls bathroom.

I pulled my shirt off and put into my bag. I was wearing a thin long sleeve under it, so it was fine.

The bell rang and I walked into English.
I took a seat in the middle row, actually interested in Ms. Narita's class.

She was explaining our task and everybody started to began the task.

After a few minutes I saw a scrambled piece of paper on my table. I opened in hopes that Ms wouldn't see me.
On it was written

Don't think you'll get away this easily. The punishment is big for rejecting me.

I uncomfortably shifted in the chair and put the paper in my bag and concentrated back on the work sheet.

The bell rang and I hurried out of the school and quickly walked home.

As I walked into the house, I put my shoes and jacket away.

I grabbed an apple and a banana, cut both in pieces and ate them, so Lizzie won't be mad that I didn't eat anything, since I only ate half of my lunch because of the incident.

While I ate I finished my English homework and did some other homework.

I hear Lizzie coming home and I walked down the stairs to greet her.
She saw me and smiled. "Hey, hun. How are you?" she asked while pulling me in a tight, warm and comfortable hug. "I'm good." I said.

She walked back to the entrance taking off her shoes and asked: "Did you eat something?" I nodded and said: "An apple and a banana."
"That's good" she said and I asked: "How was filming?" She walked into the living room and I followed her. "Exhausting, but I love it. I love the cast. They are so amazing. They just feel like family. And to film a Marvel movie is always great, you are in good hands and your opinion on the scenes matters. Like if you're unhappy with a line they'll change it or find a compromise."

I smiled at her, happy that what she does makes her happy. You can really see in her movies but also when she talks about it how passionate she is about acting.

"That's really cool." I said and she smiled at me.

-- Time skip --

Lizzie and I had chilled a bit on the couch and she was now making dinner while I'm still lying on the couch, lazily scrolling through Tik Tok.

Lizzie's Pov
I just finished setting the table and was about to inform Y/n about dinner, when the door bell rang. I opened assuming it was one of my neighbors.

When I opened the door there was a stressed Scarlett standing outside. She quickly walked inside and said: "Oh thank god you're home Liz. I really am sorry for barging in here but I spoke to Rose's dad and he's just ughh..."

She stopped talking and I followed her eyes where she was staring at and saw her staring at the two plates on my table.

"Were you expecting someone?" She asked and I didn't say anything and she asked another question: "Are you dating again?" I quickly exclaimed: "No!" She was now looking at me, expecting an explanation.

I sighed. Scarlett was my best friend, we were close since Avengers: Age of Ultron and I normally would tell her everything.
Y/n was the only thing that I haven't told her about.

And when you know Scarlett you know that lying to her is impossible, she always knows. Don't know if it is her Black Widow sense or her mother sense but she always knows.

I let out a breath and said: "I fostered my niece a week ago." Her eyes widened, taking in the new information. She was looking at me confused, probably pondering about who of my siblings has a child.

We didn't say anything, her still taking in the information and me waiting for her reaction, when Y/n walked in and asked: "Who was at the door, Liz?" She stopped in her tracks seeing me and Scarlett standing in the kitchen. Her eyes widened in surprise and shock, guilt covering her face.

Scarlett reacted quickly, putting on a smile and stretching out a hand for Y/n to shake. "Hi, I'm Scarlett. I work with Lizzie." Y/n smiled shaking her hand and said: "Hi, I'm Y/n and I know, you're amazing." Scarlett laughed and thanked her for the compliment.

"You staying for dinner?" I asked nervously, thinking that she's probably mad at me. "When you cook, you don't have to ask twice." Scarlett said and I asked Y/n to get another plate and cutlery.

"I'll explain everything later, I promise." I whispered to Scarlett and she nodded. We all sat down and started eating. "So how old are you, Y/n?" Scarlett and asked and Y/n said "15". "Oh wow. You look pretty young for your age." Y/n smiled.

"Which school do you go to?" Scarlett asked while putting the plates in the dish washer. "I go to (the school name)." Y/n smiled shyly and Scarlett said: "My daughter Rose goes there too. But I think she is one or two years ahead of you."
"Really? How old is she?" Y/n asked curiosly. "She is 17, but soon will be 18." Scarlett informed her and Y/n nodded.

We finished cleaning the kitchen and we all walked into the living room.
"I'm gonna go upstairs, Liz." Y/n told me and I nodded and said good night. Leaving the mental note to check on her later.

Scarlett's eyes followed Y/n upstairs. She waited until Y/n had opened and closed the door until she spoke: "What the hell, Lizzie? I thought we would talk about things like that? I mean you don't have to tell me everything, but this... this is major. Taking in a kid? That doesn't just happen." She was mad and her voice slightly raised, but she tried to keep it together.

She was now staring at me waiting for an answer and I just didn't know what to say. How should I explain all that?

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