First Day of School

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Y/n's Pov
My alarm started to ring and I turned around in my bed and turned it off. I didn't stand up. I was tired and I had no motivation. After around 5 minutes I heard a pknock and Lizzie walked in.

"Good Morning, Y/n." she said and I just mumbled something and hid under the covers when she opened the blinds. She laughed at that and pulled the blankets off of me.  I turned my head to her with an unhappy expression. She smiled at me and got some hair away from my face. My face fell into a pout and she said: "Come on Pouty. You have to get up. Go get ready and I'll make some breakfast." She said, rubbed my arm and left.

I slowly stood up and went to the bathroom, got ready and changed clothes. I decided to simply wear some jeans and a hoodie.
I took my bag, a brush and a hair tie downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

I put the bag near the entrance of the kitchen and walked over to Lizzie and asked: "Can you braid my hair Lizzie?" She turned to me with a smile and nodded.

She took the brush and the hair tie out of my hands and I sat down on a chair at the dining table.
After she did my hair, we ate and were now sitting in the car.

I was fidgeting with my hands while Lizzie drove to the school. It was around 8:25 when we entered the school. The halls were empty and I assumed that everybody was already in class. I think Lizzie arranged to meet this late so she can just walk in without hiding her identity.

We walked to the principal's office and knocked on the door. He lead us inside and we sat down in front of him after we greeted each other with a handshake.

"I'm very happy to welcome you at our high school, Y/n Y/l/n. You'll get your timetable as soon as we know which classes you want to have. There are some subjects that you can choose and some that are not voluntary, like english, maths, science, politics and history.
For PE you have to attend in one sports team, you can choose cheerleading, volleyball, a. football, soccer or basketball.
For a creative class you have to choose 2 of 4. There is art, music, drama and craft.
And you also have to choose a second language after English, your options are French beginner, French advanced, German beginner, German advanced, Spanish beginner or Spanish advanced."

I nodded taking in the information.

"I am sure that you are familiar with our rules. But I still want to remind you that it is forbidden to go against the dress code, that the use of violence will be punished, punctuality is expected and rudeness to persons of respect as an example me or teachers will also be punished. Oh and phones are not allowed in class only in breaks. If you use it in class or it rings in class, it will get taken from you and you can only get it back after school in my office with an hour of detention."

I nodded again, a bit scared to do something wrong, especially the rule with violence. Remembering my last outburst leading a boy to a broken nose.

"We also need you to fill out these forms to have an emergency contact." He said to Lizzie while handing her a few papers and a pen. She nodded and began filling them. He tried to have small talk with me while Lizzie was filling the forms out.
He asked about what I am excited about and I told him that I am excited to meet new people and to learn new things. I fake smiled while voicing the lie. I saw Lizzie giving me a side eye while holding in her smirk. I couldn't care less to meeting new people or study more. Who am I kidding? Who likes that?
He nodded satisfied and took the papers as Lizzie handed them to him.

"I just have one last question: Are you her mother or sister or so? I need to know for the emergency contact, so that the police know in which relation you stand with each other." he mentioned and I answered before Lizzie could: "Mother. Not biological but legally she is my mother." He nodded and I looked over to Lizzie to see her surprised expression and I just gave her a pleading look. She nodded lightly and turned her head back to the principal. I knew that she wanted an explanation so bad but she knew she had to wait until later.

"Ok so all forms are filled. Y/n today I'll sort you to a student who you'll go to class with and you just can take it in and tomorrow you'll get your own schedule. Your student will be Lisa, she'll be here in a few minutes when the bell rings. You can wait outside." He mentioned while standing up and opening the door for me and Lizzie. I nodded and thanked him.

He closed the door after us. Lizzie turned to me and said: "I have to go now, sweetie. Will you be ok?" I nodded and she pulled me into a hug. "Go make some friends and try to enjoy it at least a little bit. And call me if something is wrong!"
We parted and I just gave her a small smile. "Oh baby..." she said while stroking my face with her hands. "It will be alright." She said, kissed my head afterwards and left. She was walking faster, because the bell was about to ring.

The second she walked out the doors the bell rings and soon a girl with blond hair approached me. She smiled and I returned it. She extended her hand and introduced herself. I shook her hand and told her my name.

"So Mr. Jones (these names ughhh) said that you will go to class with me, is that right?" I nodded and she began to walk while saying: "I have math now. The teacher is Mrs Bernd, she is strict but if she likes you then you're fine." I gave her a short answer and the bell rang at the same time.

We walked in last and the teacher was already expecting a new student. The teacher stopped me from going to take a seat and pulled me in front of the class.

Everybody went silent and all eyes were on me.

Please kill me right there.

1111 words 🤓
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