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Ashley's Pov
Y/n fell asleep and when we heard light snores, Lizzie asked: "Do you think she meant Ms. Koldrick when she said 'she'?" I answered her: "Not sure but I think so. Saturday was when you found her and she said that Ms. Koldrick was mad, when she rejected the offer of the couple. So I believe that it was her." "How dare she? She cannot just starve children, just because she is not happy with them. She should have chosen another job if she hates children that much!" Lizzie stated furiously and I was mad as well. You cannot do that to a child.

I nodded and as I was about to say something, Lizzie's phone rang and she quickly searched her bag for her phone and walked a few meters away to not disturb our niece.

I watched my sister's face to go through different emotions but in the end she had a small smile on her face and hung up. She came back and informed me: "So the woman from child service called and told me that they need to go through some stuff with me before I can take her home with me. So they asked me to come now. Will you be alright, I can..." "That's good, no no no, go go go. I will take care of Y/n don't worry." I interrupted her and her worried look went to a smile and she took the keys and drove off.

I sat there for around half an hour staring at the landscape and checking on some emails.
All of a sudden, Y/n stirred and woke up.

Y/n's Pov
I woke up and I felt someone combing lightly through my hair, as I opened my eyes the person stopped and said: "Morning sleeping beauty" and for just a second I thought that it was my mother, but I looked up and saw Ashley smiling at me and I returned her gesture. I yawned, still tired, and sat up, laying my head on my aunts shoulder. As a response she put her arm around me and pulled me closer with a smile. I was already feeling much better after the food and sleep. Before Ashley could ask a question I asked: "Where's Elizabeth?" She smiled and said: "Lizzie went to a meeting but she should be back later. How are you feeling, sleepyhead?" I blushed at the nickname and said: "still tired but much better. The food was good." She nodded and looked at me concerned before she questioned: "Why didn't you tell me or Lizzie that it was that bad at the orphanage, mhm?" Her voice was calm and sweet.

My mother did that too, every time she knew I was scared to tell her something. As an example, when I did something wrong and was scared to admit it or when I was crying. Her voice was understanding and it always made me tell her, it was like her voice promised that she won't be mad or judge and it was true, she never judged.

I looked down to my lap, not sure what to tell. I didn't even know the answer to that. Or maybe I did.
She lifted my chin with her fingers and made me look at her.

These green eyes, that once belonged to my mother. She had the same, they all have the same. Only a bit different if you stare long enough. Lizzie's eyes are like green leaves of a tree. Ashley's are like a jadestone and my mother's eyes, they were like the yellow sun reflecting on the blue sea, making the sea turn into turquoise. And mine, mine are like a greenfield.

I looked at her and said quietly: "I am not sure, I was scared that she would throw me out but maybe I was also scared to tell you. You did so much and I just... just... I don't know... I didn't want to bother you." I shyly rubbed over my skin and her gaze softened even more and said: "Y/n, you could never bother me or Lizzie. We love you and we love having you around. You are very important to us and we want to make sure that you're alright. Don't forget your worth!"

I smiled through tears and she hugged me. "Oh, sweetheart" she hugged me tighter and combed through my hair. Her hug was tight, holding me close and safe. After my mother died this was all I've craved for, somebody to hold me. After a few minutes, I calmed down and we parted from the hug.

Ashley's Pov
We packed everything and we walked back to the orphanage, because Lizzie texted me that it will take a bit more.

I saw her shiver lightly next to me and I gave her my jacket. She was only wearing a shirt. I swear, she is so much like MK, MK's lifestyle was always 'rather freeze than take another jacket'. She was always cold, but when I told her to take an extra pullover or jacket, she refused to.

She thanked me and I walked with her to the orphanage. Before she walked inside she stopped and gave me back my jacket, but I told her: "Keep it, y/n/n. It looks good on you and please take it with you when you go outside, so you don't freeze." She nodded and said excitedly: "Thank you."

Before she turned I added: "And tomorrow we will pick you up for lunch and call/text me or Lizzie if you need anything or if something happens." "I will" she answered and I asked: "Promise?" She nodded with a smile and answered: "I promise."

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