Escape the furious woman

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Y/n's Pov
It was around 8 p.m. when I entered the orphanage and I was met with Ms. Koldrick crossing her arms before her chest. She looked mad and waited for me to say something. Unsure what she wants from me I mumbled a 'sorry'. She nodded as if she deserved to hear that more than anyone. As if I had to apologize for everything that had happened.

"Where were you? The laundry is still not done!" she said and my eyes got bigger, as I remembered that I had to do the laundry. I started to walk to the laundry room, but she grabbed me at my upper arm and said through gritted teeth: "Answer the question, rat!!" I got scared at her furious tone and I didn't want to answer her because of what had happened the last time. To my luck a young girl around 7 walked in and said: "Ms. .... Ms. Koldrick? I... I peed into the bed." She shyly looked down, scared that she would be angry. She let out an angry sigh and let go of me harshly said furiously: "Clean her bed and do the laundry!"  She walked away and I turned to the small girl.

I asked the girl to show me to her room and I followed her, I switched her sheets and changed the blanket. I also asked her to change clothes and give me her wet ones. When I fished, she hugged me and thanked me. A sweet child. "You're welcome." I said and left to the wash room with her wet sheets.

The wash room was in the basement and I sorted the clothes of 25 children. I put the clothes into the 3 washing machines and sat down on the floor. Tired of the day and still a bit dizzy. It was cold and you could hear and feel the vibrations of the machines. I went on my phone and waited for an hour, to hang up the laundry. I didn't know what to do the whole hour, so I started to work on some homework and after I got lost in thoughts. I was thinking about my future and my aunts.

I couldn't wait to leave this place, I really wanted to got with them, they are the nicest people that I know after my mother. And to see California... California has so many famous places and it has many beaches. California looks like a dream next to Minnesota.

Soon the hour was over and I hung up the clothes. After around 40 minutes I went up to my room, took a shower and went to sleep.

Ashley's Pov
Lizzie picked me up after 10 minutes. After I walked Y/n home I walked through the city a bit, looking around. The city wasn't pretty, but at least it was not full of trash.

Lizzie parked next to me and I got inside. "So? What did the woman say?" I asked and Lizzie grinned and said: "She will come over to the orphanage on Sunday and I can foster her then." I shrieked and hugged her, happy about her achievement. "Of course only if Y/n wants to" she added and I nodded.

Lizzie started to drive back to the hotel and she asked: "So what did you and Y/n do?" "Mhm, well we walked and talked. I gave her my jacket, because she was freezing and I made her promise to tell us if something happens or if something is wrong." I told Lizzie and she nodded along. "What have you planned to do tomorrow?" I asked curiously and she smiled and answered: "I thought about a movie day, just watch some movies with snacks and dinner. What do you think?" "Sounds like fun, I think she will like it."

When Lizzie and I got home we went to the buffet got some food and went to bed afterwards.

---- next day ----
Y/n's Pov
The whole morning of Saturday I helped Ms. Koldrick. She was clearly mad at me and wanted to punish me. I cooked lunch and she made me sit down and watch them eat, while I got nothing. It didn't bother me that much, yes I was hungry, but not too much because of the food yesterday and the thought, of eating something with my aunts later, made me happy. I sat there and after they finished, I cleared the table and the little girl from yesterday helped me.

I packed my things, including Ashley's jacket, when Lizzie texted me that they were waiting outside. I texted Lizzie that I will be there in a minute, but as I was about to go out, Ms Koldrick came in the way and asked: "Where do you think you're going?" "Out" I said. "And why would I let you go outside, there are still many tasks to do." she demanded and I said: "Can't somebody else do them? I am supposed to meet someone now." "Huh, somebody else? Is little princess now too famous to help out?" "No... no... that's not what I meant... I..." I had no words, I didn't mean to be rude or lazy or arrogant in any way. Ms. Koldrick was happy about my stuttering, being sure that she won.

Before we could say anymore the doorbell rang, Ms. Koldrick opened the door and outside stood Lizzie. She looked like, she knew what happened and said: "You coming, Y/n?" She held her hand out to me and I walked up to her and grabbed it. I didn't look back but if I would have, I thinks Ms. Koldrick would've explode because of anger.

Lizzie walked with me to the car and I whispered a 'thank you' to her. She smiled and said: "She scares me too." We got into the car and I was greeted by Ashley: "Hey Y/n, how are you doing? Hungry?" I nodded to her second question and answered the first: "I'm good now." She smiled at me and started to drive. It made me wonder, why - most of the time - Ashley drove and not Lizzie.

We halted at an Italian restaurant and went inside. It smelled wonderful, I love Italian food. Pasta with Pesto, Pizza and lasagna - all so very delicious.

I do love Italian food. How do they come up with these masterpieces?? Tell me! 🍕🍝

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