My love

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Y/n's Pov
When I woke up I was laying in a bed and soon I remembered that I was with my aunts. I looked through the room and saw Ashley reading a book on the couch. Guess she had to sleep on couch, because of me. She heard me sit up and looked up at me and asked: "How did you sleep, hun?"

Ashley's Pov
"Good, thank you. Where's Elizabeth?" I had to hold in my smile when she said 'Elizabeth', there aren't too many people who call her by that. Lizzie said that she feels like a grandma, when people say that. Now that I think about it, I think I should call her Elizabeth more often, to let her feel old! I gave her an answer: "She's in the shower." She nodded and I wondered: "Y/n?"

She looked up at me and I continued: "Is everything alright?" She just nodded but I knew that there was more, so I walked over to the bed where she was sitting and said: "Please be honest. You can tell me, I won't judge." She looked down at her hands and said: "It's stupid, it's nothing." "Please, honey, please" I pleaded and grabbed her nervous fiddling hands. "Why would you want me to come back with you to California? I have nothing to give, are you here for more fame? I am an orphan nobody wants an orphan!"

I was shocked at what she said. She thinks about it completely wrong. There were tears falling from her eyes. I carefully wiped them away and said: "Lizzie and I are not interested in more fame. We want to take you home with us, because you are family and we don't want you to be alone.
And maybe I am a bit selfish, I also want to take you home because you're all that is left of my twin. You remind me of her so much and I can't loose her again. I can't just leave you here, your mum wouldn't want me to. Me and Mary had differences but I think she would rather want you to be with us than you being here alone. But in the end it is your decision. Not mine, not Lizzie's and not your mother's. You are family Y/n, I won't let go of that." She smiled and sniffed and I embraced her in a tight hug. After a minute Lizzie came out of the bathroom and asked if everything is alright and Y/n and I just nodded.
We all got changed and ready for the day and we decided to go to a cafe because the hotel had already closed the breakfast buffet to prepare for lunch.
We ordered all some pancakes and Lizzie and I got a coffee and Y/n a hot chocolate. We ate and Y/n was finally herself again, she told us about her new friend Sue and a bit about the orphanage.

Soon she had to leave, because me and Lizzie have an appointment. We drove her home but when we stopped, she was hesitant with leaving the car. "Do you want me to come with you inside?" Lizzie asked and Y/n simply nodded. They both left the car. I watched them walk inside and then disappear.

Lizzie's Pov
When the front door closed, Y/n grabbed my hand and made her way to the stairs, she permanently looked around, scared of seeing someone. Probably Ms Koldrick.
We got to her room and I saw her bed with the turtle but the other bed was empty. Sue moved out, she said. I nodded and asked her: "Are you alright love?" She smiled, hugged me and said: "Yes thank you, Elizabeth." I just smiled and enjoyed the hug. When parted I said: "Text me or Ash if anything is wrong, our doors are always open." "I will, bye!" she said and waved and I returned her gesture and said: "Bye, my love."

Y/n's Pov
I believed Ashley, when she told me about her interest in taking me with them. And I was just happy that Ms Koldrick was wrong about them. Lizzie said goodbye and left. Something that I like about her is that she always says 'love' or 'my love'. It makes me feel loved and gives me this warm feeling inside me. Ashley has nicknames as well and I just love them. My mother had nicknames for me too, but I haven't heard her say them in a while and when Ashley says them, it's just like my Ma is saying them.

I think I will post another part later today...

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