Not so good.

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Valentina's Pov

Did she snitch on me?
I swear to god I'll punch her in that pretty face of hers when she snitched to coach about the bathroom thing. I didn't even say anything.

Dora gave me a disappointed look and left to play with Greta.

I walked over to couch, ball in hand and asked: "What's up?" I looked at him and her. Her gaze shifted away from mine, shyly looking elsewhere.

"Tina, could you maybe show and explain her how to play? She hasn't played before." Coach asked and I sighed in relief and nodded.

I waved her to follow me and so she did. We walked further away from the group and I turned around to her and asked: "So you've never played volleyball?" She nodded and I asked a bit bothered: "Then why would you choose volleyball?"
"Should I have chosen basketball instead, or what?" she said and I let out a small chuckle, actually amused by her joke.

She was right, with her height, she wouldn't have made an impact on the team. She was really small for her age. She looks like 12 or so.
"No, I guess not." I said and smiled at her and she returned it.

I started to explain the game to her and she listened, sometimes asking questions. Afterwards I showed her a few moves, how to take the ball and pass it over.

She also tried out a few moves, but failed horribly at it. There was no hidden talent, but I guess practice makes perfect. Most of the balls that she tried to sent over the net landed completely out of the field.

Y/n's Pov
The girl, whose name was Tina, showed me how to play. And it didn't go well, I was horrible at it and I think she was really bothered by it.

She was showing me how to get the ball to the other side for the fifth time when coach called it a day. Everybody helped putting the balls and the net away and went into the cabins.

I was exhausted and embarrassed that I was that bad at it. I quickly got changed and left the gym, to find Lizzie's car.
She was parking a street away from the school to stay hidden. I got into the car and she asked: "Hey hun, how was school?" I sighed and said: "Not so good." She gave me a sad smile and drove home.

I tiredly walked into the house and Lizzie asked: "Have you eaten lunch?" I nodded and continued to walk upstairs.

I let myself fall into the bed, exhausted about the day.
My thoughts were full of the school day: The C-, that Lizzie was yet to see, the girls gossiping about me, Mrs. Andéraz thinking I'm gay, the boy making fun of me and there was Tina.

I was so unsure about her personality, her laughing about me in the bathroom, but then being kind enough to teach me how to play volleyball.
And how she laughed at my joke, it made me smile to think about it. At least there she wasn't embarrassed because of me for a second.

I had a quick shower and I just laid down on the bed and turned around so I was lying with the back to the door and fell asleep.

Lizzie's Pov
I was starting on some dinner and while cooking I thought about how sad Y/n came from school. I wish I could help her with all her troubles in school, but I guess that's not possible.

I finished cooking and set up the table. I walked upstairs and knocked on Y/n's door only to get no response. I slowly walked inside and found her asleep on her bed.

I sat down next to her and lightly shook her awake. She looked over to me and I told her that dinner was ready. She nodded and let me know that she'll be down in a minute. I nodded and went downstairs, I sat down at the table and waited for her.

She came down with her bag, put it aside and we both ate. She wasn't too talkative, so I tried to built up a conversation: "How was volleyball?" "Not good, I'm horrible at it." She answered, keeping her eyes on her plate.

"Oh, but it'll get better. It was your first time, don't eat yourself up, love." I told her, trying to lighten her spirits, but she just nodded and continued to eat. She was not convinced.

We both finished eating, Y/n not completely but that was fine. "Did anything else happen in school today?"

She nodded, stood up and walked over to me with a piece of paper full with calculations.

I took it from her and she mumbled a quiet 'sorry', looking down at her lap, too scared to meet my gaze.

I inspected the paper for a moment, on the front was a big C- written. I looked at her calculations and they were right, so I looked at what the teacher had written on it. She explained that the tactic was wrong. Now that was bullshit. You could understand her calculations and the answers were right.

But I didn't made a big deal out of it, it was the first test. Was that the reason she was so distant and sad? Scared that I would be mad or disappointed?

"Don't worry, love. A C- is ok, there is much worse to get. It was your first day. I'm proud of you either way, I don't care if you have an F or an A. Grades don't define who you are." I said and she looked up at me with apologizing eyes.

I walked over to her and pulled her up in a hug, kissing her head. She hugged me back and I just held her for a second, feeling her sink into me, needing the hug.

I grabbed her hand and walked into the living room and sitting down on the couch.

She sat down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I just put on Frozen 1.

I lightly combed through her hair, watching the movie with her.

Halfway through I heard her yawn and decided that it is time for bed. We turned off the TV and we walked upstairs. She got changed and brushed her teeth in the bathroom and I was waiting on her bed.

She came out and sat down on her bed, with her back to the headboard.
Her expression was sad and disappointed, so I asked: "You alright, my love?"
"I'm sorry because of the C-. I really thought that I did it right." she said.

"Oh honey, you don't have to be sorry. Everything is fine. It was your first day and even if it wasn't it doesn't matter. A C- is enough. In high school I was a mess in math. I normally had Ds and Es." I laughed and that made her smile.

I missed that smile, I love when she is happy and has that careless and free smile on her face.

She said a small 'Thank you.' and I gave her a kiss and said good night. She went to bed and I cleaned the kitchen real quick and went to bed as well.

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