Tall & Small

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Ashley's Pov
I woke up and was about to move, but I couldn't because there was something on me. I looked down and saw Y/n cuddled up to me on the couch.

I smiled and snapped a quick picture. I also saw a message from my sister so I went on our chat.


Hey, when are you gonna bring Y/n back home?

Mhm... I think I might just keep her.

No, that you can't do. :(

Fine. Probably around 4 p.m..

Good, see you later.

See ya!

"Who are you texting? Secret boyfriend?" Y/n asked while giving me this goofy and idiotic smile.
"Oh hush, you idiot!" I lightly pushed her and she laughed. "I'm texting Lizzie!" I added and she laughed and asked all of a sudden in a serious tone: "So, no secret boyfriend?"

She smiled up at me waiting for an answer but i just began to tickle her.
Her laughter filled the whole room and soon she was begging me to stop. I stopped to let her catch her breath. I looked at her and said: "If you ask me that question again, then I won't stop tickling you next time." I smirked at her and walked to the kitchen. I heard her laugh and get up a few seconds later.

Y/n went upstairs to probably get changed and I did the same, afterwards I prepared some breakfast.
It was around 10:30 a.m., when we finished eating and Y/n and I were now both filling the dish washer.

We packed Y/n's things and put them into my car. We both got in the car and I drove to a surprise location. I wasn't sure if Y/n would like it, it's not everyone's passion. I know Lizzie hates it, so maybe Y/n does too. Mary liked it and I love it. So gotta find out, which type Y/n is.

"Are we already driving home to Lizzie?" Y/n asked, her tone a bit saddened. I shook my head and said: "You won't get rid of me yet, Trouble." She smiled at me and asked: "Then where are we going?" "Mhm... I think I won't tell you."

Y/n's Pov
She gave me a pitiful smile but quickly returned her eyes to the road.
"Nooooo, you have to tell me! I hate it when people do that." I exclaimed and Ashley chuckled.
"I guess, you have to wait, little bean." I huffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Ashley laughed and said: "You're too cute." I blushed and soon decided it won't matter if I protest, because Ash won't tell me.

We drove for another 30 minutes and when we stopped my mouth fell open. It was a freaking amusement park!!! With roller coasters and more!
"I love roller coasters soo much! This is amazing!" I said filled with excitement and Ashley laughed and said: "I love them too."

We got out of the car, Ashley got out a bag and I asked her, if I could my phone in there. I'm scared to drop the phone while riding.

We got two tickets and went inside, we started with the smaller rides and slowly got to the bigger ones.
We also had a bit of food but not to much and nothing big. More like some fruits, vegetables and some sandwiches.

We were now in front of a big roller coaster, but before we went inside we saw a height maximum, normally these would be around 1.40 meters, but this time it was 1.60 meters.

"Well, guess we both have to miss out on that." Ashley said while laughing. Ashley decided to make a picture for Lizzie, I posed in front of the height example, obviously smaller than it, making an offended expression.

We both decided to move to the next roller coaster and this time we could ride it. It was awesome! We even bought a photo, that was made of us.

It was now around 3 p.m. and Ashley said that we need to leave soon, but that was fine. The park isn't too big, so we rode every roller coaster that we wanted and even did some twice, after a while the park was really getting full of people so the queues were getting longer.

Ashley's Pov
We left the park and got back into the car, I texted Lizzie quickly, telling her that we will be a bit late and then began to drive.

I turned on a bit music, because Y/n wasn't too talkative. The adrenaline from the roller coaster was wearing off and our midnight movie was now kicking in. After around 10 minutes, she was fast asleep on the passenger seat.

After around 1 hour and 15 minutes we were at Lizzie's home and I lightly shook Y/n awake, she slept through the whole drive. She tiredly rubbed her eyes and got out of the car. She grabber her backpack and was about to grab her other bag when I told her: "I'll take that one, baby. You just take your backpack."
She thanked me and we walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Lizzie opened the door and Y/n walked inside hugging Lizzie. Lizzie hugged her back and looked at Y/n's face when they parted.
"You look tired. How long did you sleep?" "Uhhh I don't know." Y/n said letting Liz go, so that I could hug her.

I walked up to Lizzie, her concerned eyes were staring at me, waiting for an answer. "She slept around 7 hours, relax, she just slept in the car, that's why she looks so tired." I told my worried little sister while we hugged.

She nodded and Y/n spoke when we parted: "You know what, Lizzie?" She had the biggest grin and Lizzie returned a smile and asked: "What?"
She put her hands on her hips and said full with pride: "I am taller than Ashley."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch. Y/n giggled and Lizzie encouraged her: "That is amazing baby!" "I know!!" Y/n squealed happily, I wrecked a cushion at her and she laughed. "We are not even sure about that! You are probably just one millimeter taller."

"Oh don't be jealous, big sis." Lizzie called, laughing and giving Y/n a high five. I grabbed another cushion and smacked it at Lizzie.
Lizzie looked at me offended and soon there was a cushion war happening.
After a few minutes we were all out of breath, laying on the crouch.

I got my phone out and decided to show Lizzie some of the pictures that I took. There was one picture of Y/n where we were at the restaurant. The sun was just setting and Y/n was calmly petting a cat. That picture was actually the background picture of my phone. I also showed her the photo, that we took in front of the roller coaster, which we weren't allowed to drive.

Y/n's Pov
After we looked at the stalker pictures that Ashley took of me, we heard a ding and Ashley looked at her phone. She let out a sigh and her expression changed into a disappointed one, when she had read over the message.
"I'm sorry, darling. But I have to go now." Ashley said, while giving me an apologetic look. "It's okay, don't worry." I gave her a small smile.

We walked to the front door and she put on her shoes and jacket.
"Thank you Ash for the weekend. It was awesome!! I loved it."
"Aww, I enjoyed it as much as you did. I'll miss you, Trouble. You have to come visit me soon! My doors are always open for you and text with me more!" "I will, I promise, Auntie." I said and she pulled me in a bone crushing hug, after we parted she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye to Lizzie, also pulling her in a hug.

This family and their hugs. I love them so much.

Ashley walked outside and I called out: "Bye Ashley!" she turned around, waved and said: "Bye, little bean." I waved back and closed the door when she drove off.

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