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Y/n's Pov
That night I was thinking about my mum and her sisters. I was happy that I met them and I'm not mad that it took a while to meet them. My Ma (don't know if you say that but in Germany you say Mama for Mom and "Ma" is short for it, not everybody says it) wasn't too open about her family, so I believe she never really said anything about having a child.

Lizzie's Pov
Ashley and I got back into the car. Ashley in the driver seat. After a few seconds I said: "She is a sweet girl" "Yes, yes she is. And she looks and acts so much like MK." Ashley said with a grin. "Yes so true, have you seen her  scratch and rub her skin when she was nervous. Mary always did that." I said and Ashley nodded in agreement.
We drove back to the hotel and ate something. Afterwards we went to bed. Before I fell asleep, my phone lit up because I got a message.

*random number*
Good night!

Night, sweetheart!

I change the number into Y/n and turned my phone off and fell asleep.

---The next day---
Y/n's Pov
In the morning I got a text message from Elizabeth.

Morning, how are you doing?

Morning, I'm good. You?

I'm good too. Do you maybe want to do something on Friday?

I would love to!

Well then we will pick you up after school and the rest will be a surprise.

Can't wait!

The day passed like a fly. School was as usual except that I had to stay longer for detention.
I'm not 100 percent a smart student, I was more committed to school, there was a time where I was the best but idk after my mothers death, I didn't need to make anyone proud. My mum didn't care about grades but I still wanted to show her that I do my best. After my mum died nobody cared anymore, so I stopped. I don't learn that much anymore, don't do extra essays anymore and I don't listen in class. Sometimes I sleep.
School is lonely, I'm not popular or have many friends. The other students are just cringe.

When I got back to the orphanage, I had to do the laundry and take care of the young children (taking them to the playground, bathing them and feeding them etc.). After dinner I went to my room and did some homework. I only did homework because the principal has me on her radar already and I'm sure that she's just waiting for me to do something wrong to throw me out.

Before I went to bed I remembered that tomorrow is Friday and that I will meet my aunts again.
Sue came in and she looked like she needed to talk so I asked her: "You alright? You look stressed." She looked surprised that I talked to her but soon she was smiling. "I'm just tired and stressed. Aaaaand Ms. Koldrick yelled at me for being home after 8." she said and laughed. I laughed with her, relating with her. "Oh I hate that beast." I said and she answered sarcastically: "Well I think she's really nice" I looked at her confused and after a few seconds she burst out laughing.

After we finished laughing Sue asked: "These women that were here for you yesterday, who are they? Will you get adopted and leave?" "I uhm..." Sue's questions had me thinking, I'm not completely sure at the moment why they are here. "They are my aunts." I said "They are to get to know me I guess." She nodded and went into the bathroom.

I decided to go to sleep.

I know this chapter wasn't too exciting, but there will come better ones!!

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