Dangers of the night

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⚠️ scary man

The time went by like a fly and soon the librarian came over to me and told me that I have to leave because, he wants to close the library. I nodded and stood up and put the new book, that I've started after Evelyn Hugo, back in the shelf. I said Goodbye and went outside. Outside I discovered that it was already dark. I looked at my phone for the time and it was 9 p.m. and really cold. Around 8°C (no idea of Fahrenheit or Kelvin, sorry! If I have to guess I think it's around 50 Fahrenheit).

I had no idea where to go, I didn't want to call my aunts, because of what Ms. Koldrick had said. It wouldn't leave my head, maybe she was right about them. I just walked and walked in hopes to keep me warm.

After around an hour I noticed a man behind me, when I walked  away he followed and I took some random turns to find out if he just walks the same path or if he's following me. After 20 minutes he was still behind me and I started to walk faster and faster glancing now and then back at him and all I saw was that he was slowly coming nearer. I was walking without a clear direction. I was in parts of the small city that I have never seen before.

The man was now around two meters away from me and I just sprinted and he copied my movements. I was scared as hell, I've never been in such a situation but there are so many bad stories that start exactly like this. Sweat was dropping down my face, my legs were tired from the walking and running. My heart was beating fast, pumping blood through my tired body. The adrenaline from fear is the only thing carrying me.

All of a sudden I ran into somebody, the collision with the other person brought me to the ground. Before I looked at the person I ran into, I looked behind me for the creepy man. He was no where in sight. I panicked and it was hard to breathe and I found myself reaching for air, but it was no use.
I grabbed my chest, tears were now streaming down my face and my vision was blurred. I only gained sight again when I saw Lizzie's big, worried, green eyes staring at me.
I panicked more, she was one of the four least persons I wanted to see.
She kneeled down to me and grabbed my shoulders. I was mad at the panic attack, at my father, at the man, at Ms Koldrick and at my aunts. Full of anger I snatched her hands away and said with a shaky voice: "No, leave me alone!"

Lizzie's Pov
I was kneeling in front of Y/n and I put my hands on her shoulders to ground her and to give her footing, but she just snatched them away full of anger. But she wasn't just angry about the situation, she was angry at me. She said with a wavy voice: "No, leave me alone!"

I took my hands back. I wanted to help her, because she is panicking more. Since I couldn't physically support her, I tried to help her with words. Tears were falling from her eyes and she was visibly shaking, so I told her calmly: "Y/n, everything will be alright. You have to take deep breaths. Concentrate on something around you, me, the street or the sky. Just anything. What can you see, describe it to me." She listened to me and started to look around and to describe her surroundings: "There is you... uhm .... the moon and.... stars and..." she struggled, but I told her to continue and that she's doing great. After she described a bit more she calmed down and her breathing was near normal again.

Silent tears were falling from her face and she was still shaking, I helped her to her feet and I assumed that her shaking wasn't only because of the panic attack but also from the coldness. She was only wearing a thin pullover and a shirt, so I took my coat off and gave it to her. She thanked me and put it on. "What got you so upset, my love?" "There... there was this man and he was following me, until I walked into you." after she said that I looked around us, making sure he isn't near anymore. "Why are you outside so late?" I asked and she hesitated. "You can tell me, love. Please?" "I turned the couples offer down and they were fine with it, but Ms Koldrick was furious. She told me to leave." I was happy, that she turned the offer down but also sorry that she had to go through that anger of that mean woman. "Come with me, you can stay with us."

3. Person's Pov
Y/n nodded hesitantly and walked with Lizzie back to the hotel. Lizzie had her arm on her shoulder, making sure that she stays close.
When they walked into the hotel, they went over to the elevator. When they stopped at the third floor, they went over to a room and Lizzie opened the door with her key. Ashley called from the bathroom without seeing, who comes in: "Lizzie, did you get the chocolate?"

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