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One of the girls said: "You know the new girl? Her style is so out worn really. No money for better clothes?" Others laughed and another girl whose voice sounded just like Lisa's said: "Yeah right. I was so embarrassed, I had to walk around with her. Ugh." It actually was Lisa.

"When Mrs Schultz made the joke about the day dreaming she went red like a tomato." More and more laughter and I just wanted to leave. But I couldn't or they would have seen me. Soon the bell rang and the girls left. I walked out, when I thought that the bathroom was empty.

Valentina's Pov
I was with Lisa and some of her friends in the bathroom. Normally I would chill with my sports team but they weren't here today and I needed to fix my hair anyway.

They were talking shit about the new girl. That's why I usually don't hang with them, I just can't stand their gossip. It's just rude and unnecessary. The bell rang and they left, I was still finishing my braid when one of the stalls door opened.

All of a sudden I locked eyes through the mirror with those sad green eyes that belong to the new girl. She soon looked away washing her hands quickly and leaving the bathroom in a rush.
I was staring after her and it took a moment to hit me. She had heard everything that the girls said. Every word. And now she probably assumes that I was a part of it.

Y/n's Pov
I hurried out of the bathroom and my mind was rushing with thoughts. I quickend my pace and I walked over to english. Ms. Narita was waiting outside the class room near the door. I apologized quickly and she said: "Don't worry." She smiled at me and I returned it and sat down in the third row, it wasn't the last row but also not the first. So good enough. The girl from the bathroom walked in a minute later and Ms. started to explain something and I just analyzed the people in my class.

There was Lisa. Some boys which hangout with Lisa in the breaks. Some nerds, some other girls who look like Lisa. Rich and pretty. The kind of pretty, that lets you feel ugly. They look arrogant. I assume that these were the girls in the bathroom talking about me.

And there was this girl next to Lisa. She looked strong, sporty, well trained. She had dark brown hair with a bit of red in it.
I couldn't quite place her before, she didn't look like Lisa, but she was sitting with Lisa. I thought that she was not like the shit talking girl type but she is. She was in the bathroom too, probably laughing along with the others.

I wanted to go home and hide. There was this weird sick feeling in my stomach. The day was just not my day. The C-, the librarian thinking I'm gay and these girls making fun of me.

Soon, we were handed worksheets and I began to work on them, she also announced a test in a few weeks.

After a while she walked around and asked if students needed help.
She walked over to me and asked: "Do you understand everything? Is there anything too hard?" I actually had a problem with one question so I asked her for help. She smiled and explained it to me and I continued to work.

The bell rang and I left to go to drama. It was a big room. There were comfortable seats around, a small stage, a room full of costumes and other things. A big music box, quietly playing ABBA songs. The atmosphere was amazing.

The students gathered around on the couches, beanbags and cushions. Soon the Mrs. Andéraz walked in and I looked at my schedule and saw that she was my drama teacher. I was happy, because I like her but also embarrassed because of the gay thing. She smiled at the class and said: "I have a big announcement everybody! I've talked to the principal and we got the approval and the money to bring a play on stage!" The class cheered and the class began to talk to each other already planning the play.

"Settle down class! It will be a love story. It will be about a girl who is forced into marriage to a rich man. The man loves her endlessly for her beauty, but the girl desires more. She wishes to be loved for what she is and not for title, money or beauty she carries. Soon there comes someone around, showing her a different kind of love, love she dreamt of. Without anybody knowing, the two girls come closer together, sharing love, that is oh so needed. The girl decides to not marry that man and live her life with her true lover. And when the parents find out they try to get rid of the beloved girl of their daughter." Mrs said and I expected people to be disappointed or disgusted but everybody was happy with it and was excited.

She explained more to the play and said that we should think about a role that we want to play. She explained the different roles and how much you have to do and say.

The two hours were soon over and it was already time for lunch break.
I left and walked down the hall.

"Hey, new girl!" A boy yelled and I looked at him and he was standing in a big group of girls and boys. "What are you dreaming about?" He and his minions laughed their asses off and I just turned around and left.

I walked into the cafeteria and got myself some of the lunch. It wasn't that tasty but it was alright. I walked out and sat down at a table. Alone.
I finished my meal and was now thinking of what I should do now.
I didn't want to stay here but I also didn't want to go to the library.

With having no other choice, I made my way to the Library. I looked around to see if Mrs. is near, but she was nowhere in sight, so I quietly made my way to the back of the library.

I found myself in the sport section and found a book about volleyball. Since I have no idea how to play, I thought it was a good start.
I read through the book, most of it was history and about the founder of the game but there was a small chapter about how to play. There were only a few minutes left of the break, so I quickly read over the pages.

The bell rang and I made my way outside to the gym. There I was met with many others waiting for the couch. The girl from the bathroom was there too, talking to a few boys. Most of the team were male, there were like 3 girls plus me.

Valentina's Pov
Coach opened the gym and the girls and the boys parted to get changed in the changing rooms.
When everybody walked in, I noticed that there was a girl too much. It was Y/n. The new girl. I feel like she is following me, she is everywhere I am. Well except Spanish, I haven't seen her there. But we have like all classes together.

She took out some clothes and headed into the toilet stall to change there. Normally everybody changes together in one room, but maybe she is not comfortable with it. Which is understandable with overhearing some girls talking shit about her.

Me and the others talked and changed and soon Y/n came out and walked after us into the gym.

Coach told us to run a few rounds to get warm and so we did. Y/n was a bit hanging behind but not too far.

Coach called us together and said: "So we have a new member, welcome her and treat her as a part of the team!"

Everybody said a quick 'hi' or 'hello' and she returned one.

"Find a partner and throw the ball around a bit." Coach said and I walked over to Dora to partner up.

Soon I heard Coach call my name and I looked over and saw him and Y/n looking at me.

Did she snitch on me?

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