Heavy Night

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Lizzie's Pov
Scarlett's eyes were on me, waiting for me to explain it.
I sighed, while sitting on the couch I said: "I don't know. It all happened so fast and I hadn't had time to think. And I don't want time to think. I just don't want to let it feel real. I- I just hadn't had the time and we didn't talk, Scarlett. I just didn't want to think about it and MK..." I had to stop my rambling, having barely any breath left.

Tears were carelessly falling down my face. That's why I didn't want to let myself think about it. Because I wouldn't be able to hold it in.

Scarlett giving in, asked: "What is with Mary? I thought that, you don't know where she is?"

I shook my head and said desperate: "We found her, Scarlett. He found her for us."
Scarlett's eyes widen and her body stiffened, she sat down next to me waiting for me to explain more.

It took a while to gain my strength and I took a deep breath and said: "He found her dead. She was killed 15 months ago. And all she had left was a 15 year old daughter. Who we left alone with no family for more than a year."

There was so much guilt. Guilt for scaring Mary away. Guilt for not accepting her for who she was. Guilt for searching for her so late. Guilt for leaving Y/n without family for fucking 15 months, while she had to believe that all her family is gone and survive the grief alone, while being scared that her killer father was coming for her next.
I can't imagine the pain.

I was so lost in thoughts, only coming back when I felt Scarlett's motherly embrace around me.

"I'm sorry Lizzie. I shouldn't have reacted that way. And nothing from all that happened to Y/n or Mary was your fault." Scarlett said, while hugging me. Our friendship was always relying on comfort. She always comforts me, when I need her and I do when she needs me.

I cried for a while more just letting it all go. Scarlett stayed.

"I wanted to introduce you to her on Friday, but I feel like Y/n is burdened and stressed from school and I don't want to stress her more." I told her and Scarlett asked: "So we won't come over on Friday?" Scarlett formed it like a question but it was more like a statement. To show me that it wouldn't be a problem if we don't meet.

"No. I asked Ashley if she was free on the weekend. Since we are busy the whole Saturday and Sunday with filming anyway. I thought that maybe she could stay with Ash. Ashley said that she would be happy to, but I still have to ask Y/n."

Scarlett nodded and we just fell into a normal conversation. Her finally telling me about Rose's dad, what she actually was here for.
After around an hour she left and I made my way upstairs.

Y/n's Pov
I was sitting on my bed when I heard a quiet knock. I called a 'come in' and Lizzie walked inside and sat on my bed.

"Hey hun, are you alright?" Liz asked and I said in a hurry: "I'm so sorry, Lizzie. I didn't think. I'm sorry for walking in the kitchen, I thought the person had left. I'm sorry."

"Oh baby, you have nothing to be sorry about. Scarlett found out on her own, seeing the two plates that I put on the table and Scarlett is my best friend, she would have found out sooner or later." Lizzie assured me and scooped a bit closer to me on the bed.

"It just sounded like you were having a fight and I don't know..." I told her and her eyes widened, surprised that I heard them.
"How much did you hear?" she asked curious and I said: "Not much, you were just talking louder."

She nodded pulling me into her and I let myself take a break. In Lizzie's arms I always feel like I could breath again and finally take a break.

We sat like that for a while until my aunt spoke: "I wanted to ask you, if you maybe wanted to go over to Ash's for the weekend? Because she misses you and I have to film the whole weekend."
"I would love to visit Ashley." I said excitedly.

"Good, I'll let her know. (after a minute or so) I'm gonna go to bed, love. Don't stay up too late." Lizzie said and she kissed my head. "I won't, Lizzie. Good night." I said and she answered before closing the door: "Night baby."

I turned around in bed, trying to fall asleep. But nothing was working. I turned and turned. I didn't want to bother Lizzie so I just went on my phone to get my mind off of school.

I couldn't imagine what the boy had in store and Lisa she knows everyone. She could turn everybody against me.

My life was a mess. I couldn't play volleyball, hell I even embarrassed myself in front of Tina. My favorite teacher thinks I'm gay and my other favorite thinks I can't drink water properly.
I was on Mrs Scultz's and Mr Blake's radar. Both aiming straight at me and just waiting for me to fall.
And both Mr. Karl and Mrs Andéraz have high hopes on me. Playing violin, being able to act, because I look like the famous Olsens.

4:25 was the last time, that I looked at my phone, so I fell asleep around that time.

Only two hours later Lizzie woke me up and I was so not happy. 

"You alright, love?" Lizzie asked while sitting down on the bed lightly stroking my back. "Mhm, just tired." I said and Lizzie questioned concerned: "When did you go to bed?" "Not too late." I stood up and walked into the bathroom to avoid further conversations.

Lizzie told me that she'll get ready and afterwards we met downstairs. Lizzie came down a few minutes after me. I was putting on shoes and we were about to leave when she asked: "Have you eaten something?" I shook my head and said: "I'm not hungry." She sighed, walked back in and handed me an apple. "Please eat something, at least in your break, if you're not hungry yet."

I took the apple, put it in my bag and we left. Why does she care so much if I eat? I don't have an eating disorder or something like that. She always asks if I have eaten or if I'm hungry. I eat enough, or I think so at least.

Lizzie dropped me off and I anxiously walked inside.

I made it to my first class, math, and walked inside. To my surprise everybody was already sitting, and nearly every seat was either taken or a bag was put on it. Except one chair. The one next to the guy I rejected yesterday. I won't sit there, but before I could ask somebody else Mrs Schultz was walking inside.

And since I'm her favorite, she said: "Ms. Y/l/n being choosy or judgy today? Just sit down next to Tyler. No need for being disrespectful."
Her tone was stern und mad.

With no other choice I sat down next to Tyler. He was grinning at me, proud that everything happened just like he wanted.

Pawns in his plan.

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