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Y/n's Pov
We left the graveyard and went back to the car. Nobody really said that much, everybody just enjoyed the silence.

We drove around an hour to the airport and I listened to some music through my headphones and just looked outside. Saying goodbye to Pierz and everything that I leave back here the orphanage, my old life, my parents.

We made it to the airport, Ashley and I got out of the car. Lizzie stayed and drove away to bring it back. It was only rented.

Ashley took my hand to lead me to a small restaurant. We sat down and she gave me the menu and said: "Choose anything you'd like." I nodded and thanked her, she smiled at that. Soon Lizzie joined us and we ordered some food.

-- Time skip --
Lizzie's Pov
We took our seats in the plane. Y/n sat next to the window, I sat in the middle and Ashley at the corridor (?).
The plane lifted and Y/n was staring out the window admiring the world from the top.
I got a book out and Y/n was on her phone. Ashley was ordering us drinks, saying that it is easy to dehydrate in a plane. Her excuse to get herself an alcoholic drink, I believe.
After around an hour, I felt a head on my shoulder. I looked to my left to see Y/n being fast asleep with her duck in her hands.

I showed her to Ashley and she smiled, we started talking about everything, from the board menu to MK. It was getting late and the sun started to set outside. While it was still bright enough, I was continuing to read. Soon I felt another head on my shoulder and looked to my right, only to see Ashley taking a nap as well.
I quickly made a selfie with them and then I decided to rest my eyes as well.

After around 2 and half hours we were already landing and I was abruptly woken by Ashley. She was grinning at me, showing me a picture of me where I was sleeping and I just hit her arm lightly and I looked to my left to see Y/n smiling at us.

We left the plane, got our suitcase and when we left the airport we got a taxi and started driving to Los Angeles. We had luck with the paparazzi because here it was very early in the morning and in Pierz there just wasn't any paparazzi.

The taxi driver drove us to the nearest city. Ashley was calling someone to drive us to our parent's house. Our parents wanted to meet Y/n as well and we decided to stay over for two days or so and then I will go home with Y/n and Ashley will go home as well.

The private driver from Ashley came after ten minutes or so and we got into the car. Ashely sat in the front and me and Y/n in the back.

While we were driving I saw Y/n's head falling and then being lift again. I told her to lay down, so that her head is on my lap so that she can sleep. She did and fell asleep right away. After another half an hour we made it to the house and Ashley and the driver got our luggage out of the car. We had Y/n's boxes delivered to us, so they'll be here tomorrow or later.
When I walked inside everything was dark so I assumed that my parents are asleep, it was around 4 in the morning sooooo...

I picked up Y/n, trying not to wake her up. I walked upstairs and laid her into the bed of the guest room. I took off her shoes and jacket.

I made my way to my room and I assume that Ashley did the same.
I fell asleep pretty quick.

Y/n's Pov
With a shock going through me, I woke up and sat myself up. My heart was beating and my lungs were trying to get as much air in as possible. Tears and sweat flood down my face and my whole body was shaking.

Scared I looked around unsure where I was. Soon, I remembered that we were at my mother's parent's house, well my grandparents' house.

I turned on a small light next to the bed and looked around. The horrible images of my nightmare slowly disappearing in my head.
I closed my eyes for a moment and focused on my breathing, trying to calm myself down.

When I looked around the room, I saw my shoes and Ashley's jacket on the chair and my backpack on the ground. There was a small desk, a wardrobe, two doors, one probably to a hall and the other maybe to a bathroom.

On the bedside table was a lamp, a glass of water and my phone.

I was wary to go back to sleep, but I was still tired. I looked at my phone for the time and it was 5:30 in the morning.
Desperate for more sleep, I went to my bed and took the duck out of my bag and on the bed. It might be childish, weird or embarrassing to have a plushie. But it does help. It does, I promise.

I laid back down and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I actually fell asleep.

There is still so much that I have planned, I hope you don't get bored yet.

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