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Lizzie's Pov
I was sitting on a couch, enjoying my break with a muffin, when I heard someone walk in.

I looked up and saw Scarlett's daughter walking in. She saw me, smiled, walked over and said: "Hey, Lizzie!" I pulled her in a hug and said: "Hey Rosie! How are you? It's been ages since I last saw you. Have you grown?" She giggled at my silly joke and answered with a smile: "I'm doing good and I have outgrown my mother, but she is denying it." She laughed and I joined her. "Ashley did that too, but soon had no choice but to accept it."
She laughed and asked after a few seconds: "Do you know where my mum is?"

I nodded and said: "She is filming for at least 15 more minutes." She sighed and sat down next to me. I offered her a muffin and she gladly took it. "Do you not have school, today?" I asked curiously and she answered: "I did have school, but math was cancelled today, so earlier home!" I smiled at her and nodded.

We sat for a while in silence, just eating quietly, until an idea came up in my mind.
"Rose?" she hummed and I continued: "Can I ask you for a big favor?" She looked up at me and nodded, giving me her full attention.

I sighed and said: "I don't know if your mum told you, but uhh... I fostered my niece a few weeks ago and she is living with me now. She goes to the same school as you and every time she comes home from school, she is unhappy. Either quiet or sad. And I know... I know something is going on, but she doesn't want to talk about it and I don't want to pressure her." I stopped for a second, taking a deep breath.

"You want me to keep an eye open?" Rose asked understandingly and calmly.
I nodded and explained: "I don't want you to follow her or so. I don't want to control her, but I just... I just wanna know if there is someone bullying her or so. Just if you could let me know, if you hear something or so?"

She nodded and said: "Of course, what's her name?" "Y/n." I said and her eyes widened. "Y/n Y/l/n?" she asked surprised and I just nodded.
"You know her?" I asked curiously and she nodded and explained: "As far as I know she is together with this boy Tyler. But that could be a rumor."

My eyes widened in shock, I expected much, but not that. A boy? Oh god. My mind was filled with questions when Rose spoke again: "But it's probably a rumor. He maybe just likes her, many think she's pretty." My worries were calmed a bit, sure just a rumor. She would have told me, if it would be anything serious.

"Oh my favorite girls together, how lovely." Scarlett called, coming into the room with red hair. I chuckled and Rose stood up, hugging her mother.

--- time skip ---

Lizzie's Pov
I got home and walked inside. I took my coat and shoes off. It was getting colder, since it was already September.
When I walked further into the house, I found Y/n's bag on the ground. I decided to take out her bottle and her lunchbox to put them into the dishwasher.

When I pulled out the lunchbox, a piece of paper followed, on it was written:
Don't think you'll get away this easily. The punishment is big for rejecting me.

I stared at it shocked. Is someone threatening her? "Rejecting me"? Who did she reject? Did she reject that Tyler boy? But nobody knows and everybody thinks that they are together... maybe?

I heard Y/n come down the stairs, so I quickly put the paper back in her bag and walked back into the kitchen. I didn't want her to think that I snoop in her things and can't respect her privacy.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly and walked over, I embraced her in a hug, trying to comfort her but also me. My mind is running wild and I don't know what to do. I just hope Rose finds something out.

"Hello, my love. How are you?" I said quietly into the silence of the room, not letting go of the hug. "Better now." she mumbled in my chest and it made me smile.

We parted after 2 minutes and she walked over to her bag and when she saw that her lunchbox and bottle were already removed, she apologized and thanked me.

"No problem, darling. I'm gonna go in the garden, looking for some grown vegetables and afterwards answer some emails and then I'll cook. What about you?" I told her and she answered: "Homework." I nodded and left to go outside.

Y/n's Pov
I sat down in the living room and began to do my homework. After half an hour I stopped and distracted myself by staring at the pictures in Lizzie's living room.
There are many family pictures, even some of me which made me smile but also wonder when she made those stalker pictures and what made me smile the most, was a picture frame with my aunts and my mother. Lizzie was in the middle, towering over Ashley and Mary since they were both pretty small next to Lizzie. Definitely got that too.

I stood up, when I noticed another picture. It was one with me and my mother. I was around 9 years old and my mother was hugging me from behind.
I was now standing in front of that picture, admiring the ones around. There were more of me, when I was younger and some of Mary.
My smile suddenly faded when I saw a picture of me, where my whole face was covered with chocolate. I hate that picture, I look like an idiot, but my mother insisted to keep it.

I heard Lizzie come in and walk over to me.
"You really have to take that down. I look ridiculous." I said while moving my hand to the frame to take it down.
Lizzie laughed and quickly pulled my hand away, telling me not to.
"Well too bad, I like that picture, you look cute!" Lizzie reasoned and grabbed my other hand, when I tried again to take it down.

I pouted and she laughed, having a tight, not too tight, grip on my hands and hugging me from behind to prevent me from taking the picture down. She rocked us around a bit while we both just silently stared at all the pictures scattered around on her white living room wall.

I sighed after a while and she let me go, sitting down on the couch next to my scattered homework. "You need help?" Lizzie asked and I nodded and walked over to my homework.

Lizzie helped me with my homework and we easily finished after a few minutes.
I walked with her into the kitchen, asking her if I could help her.
She nodded and smiled.

"I wanna do a pumpkin soup, have you ever tried pumpkin?" She asked and I smiled and shook my head. She handed me a piece, after she cut the pumpkin open.

I looked at her suspiciously and took a bite. My face scrunched up in disgust as I chewed on the weird consistency. It was horrible. Lizzie laughed and gave me a glass of water to get rid of the weird taste.

"Not a fan?" she asked and I said: "Ewww, it's gross!" She laughed and we decided to make something else.

--- time skip ---

I was now lying in my bed texting with Ashley, when Lizzie walked in.
"Time for bed, baby. It's late." Lizzie said with a smile, closing the blinds and sitting down on the bed.
"Lizzzieeee, it's only 11." I exclaimed, while lying in a star fish position on the bed.

Lizzie laughed and picked up the covers from the floor and threw them over my body. My phone dinged with a message and Lizzie and I both looked.
It was Ashley, who wrote a reply to our recent conversation.

Auntie Ash
I'm gonna have to take you and Lizzie to the restaurant again.

It's late darling, you better go to bed soon or lizard will come hunt you down.

Lizzie looked at my phone and grinned proudly, "See! Ashley agrees with me." Lizzie said, trying to poke my nose with her index finger. I caught her finger jokingly before it could reach my nose and said: "Mhm, okay LiZaRd."
Lizzie looked at me shocked and offended and threw a cushion at me. "Don't call me that, Pouty!" I giggled and she grinned.

She put my phone on the nightstand after I texted Ashley a quick "good night", kissed my head and said: "Good night, pumpkin."
I laughed and said 'good night' when Lizzie turned off the light and walked out.

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