The Letter

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This part will only be the letter. And some thoughts of Juliette.
Juliette's Pov
It was around 8 p.m. and I sat down on the bed. My husband was in the shower, my children were in Ashley's room and my grandchild was already asleep in her room.

While everybody was busy or asleep I decided to open the letter from Mary. I was a bit nervous of what the letter would reveal inside.
I took a sharp blade and neatly cut the letter open. It was filled with one paper full with hand written words and a picture of Mary and little Y/n. Mary was holding the small girl who was around four or five years old in her arm. Both had a smile on their face.
She wrote on the 17th December 2016:

Dear Mother,
I'm sorry that I left. Sometimes I feel guilty for leaving you all behind. Sometimes I wish everything would be as before. But I couldn't stay, not with father not accepting my decision. Not with you being disappointed in my dislike for staying at the center of attention: Los Angeles. Not with Ashley loving to be in the fame with me, even tho I don't want to. Not with Lizzie going in the fame as well and seeing her get hurt by the fame/paparazzi as well.

But I don't regret leaving. I have an adorable, amazing, sweet and beautiful little girl. She is six years old at the moment. She is my everything. I wouldn't exchange anything for her. She is my number one. The one I love the most.

Sometimes think about introducing you and my family to her. But then I remember that there is still this big mess to fix that I made. I turned everybody away even tho I love them. Even tho I love you.

My daughter's name is Y/n, the name means beauty, honesty, loyalty and pure love. I think you would like her. Her cheeks turn tomato red when she is nervous, embarrassed or when you compliment her. She also loves ducks, she worships them, I don't know why. She also loves to draw and to dig holes in my garden. Not sure if she does that because the dog of our neighbor does it.

Her father, my husband, is complicated. We fight sometimes. He gets really loud and is always pacing around when he's mad. He doesn't hurt me, but sometimes I am scared that he will. Or that he'll hurt Y/n. Should that mean that I should leave him? He doesn't mean to be mad and when he is, he just can't control his anger. He always comes back after a big fight, after the big arguments and apologizes for his hard and unkind words. He says he won't do it again, but he does. He doesn't mean harm, right?

Then again: I'm sorry mama, that I left. But I couldn't have stayed. I was misunderstood and unhappy. It only would have hurt others too. I just hope that everybody moved on and lives happily.

I love you mama. I miss Ash and Lizard, give them a kiss from me please.

Take care of yourself
Your daughter, Mary-Kate

I finished the letter and I didn't know what to say, think or do. I was frozen. I just know that I miss her.

I admired the picture for a while. Mary was wearing a jeans, a shirt and a long grey cardigan and Y/n was wearing a blue dress with small stars on it.
Mary was looking like well Mary. And Y/n, you could easily recognize her, she still has that smile and those green eyes, that run through the family. But the older Y/n lost the spark/the excitement in her eyes.

It confuses me, why Mary never sent the letter. She wrote it nine years ago. Nine years?? What was she afraid of. She could have stood in front of my door with nothing but problems and I would have let her in. I would always let her in. She's my daughter, I would've never send her on the streets.

I was about to put the letter in the drawer of my nightstand and the picture of my daughter and granddaughter on the nightstand, when something hit me like a wave.

What she wrote about her husband. Wasn't he the one who murdered my daughter? Why didn't she leave him? If she would've gone rid of him then she would still be here. And I swear to god if I ever see that man I will hurt him just like he hurt my child. There is no forgiveness for him. How dare he, kill an innocent woman and leave a child without parents?

There are so many questions answered after the letter but also so many new unanswered. The only way I'll get the answers is to talk to my granddaughter. And I can't do that now, she is in so much stress, I can't burden her with all my questions.

I hope this chapter makes sense. I'm sorry that I didn't post the last days, but I'm in Italy at the moment. There is just so little time.

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