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Y/n's Pov
The door opened and my grandparents walked inside, drenched from the rain. Nobody said a word, there was only one quick look before they disappeared upstairs to probably get dry.

We finished cleaning the kitchen and started the dish washer. Afterwards we went into the living room and watched a movie.

At the end I yawned and Lizzie mothered over me: "Bed time. Let's get you to bed, you're tired!" "Nooo, you're so unfair." I whined and my lips fell into a pout. Lizzie laughed at that and stretched her hand out to me, I reluctantly obeyed and grabbed it. As we walked upstairs I heard Ashley call out to me: "Good night, Y/n! Sleep well!" I called a 'night' in response and Lizzie and I made it to the guest room.

I changed into my pjs in the bathroom and when I came out, Lizzie was patiently waiting, while sitting on the bed.
I sat down on the bed, put my phone on the bedside table and got under the covers. Lizzie kissed my head and said: "Good night, love. Come to me if anything is wrong."

I nodded and said: "Night, Liz." She left the room and closed the door and I fell asleep almost immediately.

--- the next morning ---

Y/n's Pov
I woke up around 8:45 a.m. and I just went on my phone for a bit.
After around an hour, there was a quiet knock on the door and I said: "Come in."
Juliette came in and greeted me with a small smile, she sat down on the bed and for a few seconds it was silent.
"I'm so sorry for what he said. He had no right to say things like that. It isn't true what he said, you are very welcome here and I am happy that you are here.

I'm sorry for the bad circumstances for your being here. I'm sorry that you had to lose your mother at such a young age and-" she said before she could finish I interrupted her: "You don't have to apologize for my mother's death. You lost too. I lost a mother but you also lost a daughter that day. I don't know which one is worse. For you it is like you lost her when she was 22 and not 36. I can't imagine how that hurt."

It was silent for a moment, my words settling into the silence. She smiled at me after a few seconds and a single tear fell from her face. After a moment she said: "God. You're blessed with such a sweet soul, dear. Your heart is in the right place." She said it with a small chuckle while wiping the tear from her face.

"Do you miss her sometimes?" I asked and she looked at me with a pitiful smile and said: "I do miss her. She's my daughter and nobody could replace her. But it hurts less to miss her. At the beginning I couldn't think about anything else, I couldn't work , I couldn't go into her room. It hurt that she left because of me, because of the family.
But I just hoped that she found her Prince Charming, had a child and maybe cats. She liked cats.
The one thing I wished she would have left is an explanation, a letter or so."
I was quiet for a moment, because my mother indeed left a letter. I caught her writing one. I was around 6 years old:

I awoke because of a loud grumble from outside. I was terrified. I stood up and grabbed my duck and made my way over to my mother's room. When I opened the door, she wasn't inside, she wasn't sleeping.
Tears were now streaming down my face and I started to cry. I walked downstairs into the living room and there I saw her. She was sitting at a small table near a book shelf.
When she heard me coming downstairs crying she turned around and looked at me. The moment she saw me, she stood up, walked over to me and picked me up. As she held me in her arms, she soothed me with quietly humming a lullaby.
When I had gone quiet she sat back down on the chair and sat me on her lap, so that I was looking at her. "What scared you, my little duck?" my Ma said with a calm and sweet voice. It always made me feel like I could tell her everything and that she won't judge. She never judged me, of course she made sure that I understand what I did wrong, but she also knew that I still have to learn what's wrong or what's right.
With a raspy voice I answered her question: "There... there was this loud noice, and I got scared. And you weren't in your room and I thought that... that you..." Tears were streaming down my face and my voice got shaky and I couldn't get any words out because of the crying. With light 'shh's calmed me my mother. She wiped my tears away and told me: "Everything is alright. It was just a thunder storm. I'm alright, you see?" With red cheeks and red eyes I nodded and looked around to see what she was doing.
"What are you doing?" I asked and she just smiled and said: "I'm writing a letter." "To who?" I asked curiously and she said: "To my mother." "Why? Can't you just tell her?" I asked and she said: "It's not that easy, sweetheart. My mother and I aren't talking at the moment." Again I asked: "Why?" and she said:
"We had a fight, a few years ago." "Oh" I said and my face fell into a sad look. She smiled sadly at me and I leaned into her. She continued to write on the paper. I glanced over and tried to read it, but she wrote in curvy letters and these I couldn't read. Soon I got tired and closed my eyes.
Flashback end

"She did, she did leave a letter. I have it in one of my boxes that get delivered soon." I explained to her and her eyes widened and she asked: "She did?"
"Mhm, but only one for you, no one else. Don't know why."

We sat for a moment in silence and after she said: "How about you go wake Ashley and I'll help Lizzie with breakfast?!" I nodded with a grin and left my room.

I walked over to Ashley's room, after yesterday's events I started to learn the order of the rooms.
I knocked on her door and soon heard a 'come in' from inside. I opened the door and saw Ashley lying on her bed with an iPad in her hand.

I walked over to her bed and flopped on her bed. She put the iPad away and questioned: "Morning sleeping beauty, how did you sleep?" "Very good and you?" I answered her proudly, she laughed at that and said: "I slept good too."

I just laid down next to her on her bed and she played with my hair. After a few minutes Lizzie walked in and said: "Morning. Breakfast is ready." Ashley and I nodded and Lizzie continued: "Oh and Y/n, your boxes came and if you are ok with it, I would leave tomorrow in the morning." "Sounds good." I said.

What do you think of the flashback? Do you like it or don't? Because I think it's interesting to see things from MK and Y/n's past, but idk. What do you think?

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