Sad Celebrations

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Elizabeth's Pov

"Happy Birthday" we yelled. Currently we were at my sister's Birthday Party. Ashley became 38 years old. The party was a surprise from me, my parents and many friends. There weren't too many people but at least 50. We wanted to make a special party for her because it has been a while since we have celebrated her birthday.

As everybody gratulated Ashley and parted to the buffet or to talk to people. I went up to my sister, she didn't look too happy. I asked her:" Ash, are you okay?" With a small smile she answered:"I am fine Lizzie. Don't worry." I was not convinced but I didn't want to push her, so I decided to leave it at that and asked her if she wants to go to the buffet with me.

The party found an end at around 10 p.m. and most people have left, except me, Ashley and my parents. We sat in her living room with a bottle of wine, uno cards in our hands and just talked.

While we talked my mother came up with the question: "Ashley? Are you alright? You look sad." Ashley was silent, after a while she spoke: "I just miss her. We always celebrated our birthday together, it's just not the same."
All of us knew, what she was talking about. She meant MK, she disappeared and broke up contact. We haven't heard from her since more than a decade ago.

All of a sudden my mom got an idea: "How about we look for her, maybe we will find her?!" In Ashley's eyes I was able to see a small spark full of hope. Everybody agreed to search for her, my father suggested that we try to hire somebody, who finds missing people.

I think everybody's moods got boosted and everybody went to bed with a smile. A smile full of hope. My parents slept in the guest room and I went up with Ashley to her room. We made ourselves ready for bed and as we laid down Ashley asked: "Do you really think, that we will find her?" I looked at her with sadness in my eyes. Our sister's disappearance hurt Ashley the most, I mean it was her twin. They had a special connection, they worked together, lived together, they did everything together. I was not sure if we'll find her, but I didn't want to ruin my sister's birthday or let her down, so I said: "I think we will find, the world isn't too big.

So this is the first part. I promise it will get better, you just have to roll with me. Y/n will be introduced soon as well. I know the part is a bit short, but I just have to get into all the writing stuff and y'know

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