Liar & Lover

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Y/n's Pov
I was clueless and I was sure that in less than a minute he would get a hold on me. Because he is faster and I couldn't run anymore.
Fuck these weak and short rubber legs.

My last option was to knock on some random door, in hopes that somebody's inside and so I did.

But it was no use, Tyler grabbed me, shoving me roughly against lockers. My back was aching.
He was about to yell at me when the door opened and a head looked out.
It was Ms. Narita.

When she saw me and Tyler, he quickly stopped pinning me against the lockers. But her face showed, that she had seen it either way.
"Somebody knocked?" She asked and raised her eyebrows. And I grabbed my bag from the ground which fell out of my hand when he pushed me against the lockers and said: "I- I did. I wanted to talk to you, miss."

"Well then, be my guest." she said while showing the way into her class room with her hand. Tylor huffed and walked away giving me a furious and terrifying look.

She closed the door after I walked inside and sat down at her table.
She made a movement with her hand, signaling me to sit down and so I did.

I began to nervously fiddle with my hands and said: "I wanted to apologize for just walking out today. That was disrespectful and inappropriate. I'm sorry." I didn't lie there, I actually wanted to apologize for this odd behavior, in hopes she won't send me straight to detention.

"That's alright. You looked sick. Are you feeling better now? Did you go to the nurse?" she asked kindly and I said: "I didn't go to the nurse but I'm feeling better now."
She nodded and after a few seconds in silence, I stood up to leave her to her work to not hold her back.

She understood the signs and stood up and opened the door for me.
Before I could go, she said: "Y/n? You know if anything is wrong or if somebody is bothering or threatening you, you can always come to me. You can tell me anything, I won't spill unless you want me to or it affects your safety." Her tone was stern and serious. I just nodded and assured her that everything is fine.

I made my way out to the gym, waiting for the bell to ring.
After 10 minutes the bell rang and the rest of the team came.

We walked inside, changed and ran a few laps. Hell. These are killing me.

Today somebody else was assigned to teach me and let me tell you. I want Tina back.
This guy was just yelling at me. Not bothered to show any interest in teaching me. He was constantly reminding me how everything of me was not made to play.
I was tired, he was making me run a lap when I got a move wrong.

Both hours were finally over and I was tired. I may had a nap in the library earlier, but that was not enough to make up for the 6 hour sleep loss.

I walked to Lizzie's car and got inside. There she greeted me and said: "You look pale, love. Are you alright? Are you sick?"
"I'm fine, just tired and a bit hungry." She smiled, happy that I was being honest.

We began to drive and were home after 5 minutes. As I walked inside, Lizzie said: "Do you want to have a nap and then dinner or early dinner and an early night?"
I held up two fingers, to show that I chose the second option, because I was downing a whole water bottle.

She nodded and began to cook. I felt a bit guilty, because she just came home from work and now is busy again to cook dinner for me. I decided to do my homework on the dining table to keep her company and also to have company.

At one point, I didn't know how to continue and my mind was pondering about if I should ask Lizzie. I didn't want to bother her but I also didn't want to fail in math again, so I decided to give it a shot: "Lizzie could you, uhm, maybe help me with a math problem, if you have time for it."

"Of course, hun. But I am warning you, when I was in the same year as you, I had a D in math." she said and smiled. I giggled and showed her my problem.

Lizzie was amazing. She was really good at explaining and soon I was able to solve the questions on my own. I thanked her and she kissed my head, returning to the stove.

We ate and I cleared the table while Lizzie was on call with someone.
She walked back in and said: "So I talked to Ashley, she will pick you up tomorrow after school and will bring you back home to me on Sunday afternoon, is that good with you?" "That's great. I'll go shower and afterwards pack, ok?" I mentioned, looking for her permission. She nodded and smiled.

I showered and sat down on the ground packing a small bag with some clothes and charger and a toothbrush and more. I heard a knock on my door and Lizzie walked inside and sat down on the floor.

"How are you doing, hun?" "I'm doing good." I answered her and stopped searching in my closet for some pair of jeans. "No, I mean with everything happening. Like a strange city, new school, a different home and all that?" I turned around and sat down onto the ground. In Lizzie's voice I could sense that she wanted to have a deeper talk and that she really wanted an honest answer.

I took a deep breath and said: "Well I like this city. It's bigger than Pierz and nobody knows your whole life story. School ... is school. Somebody who says 'Oh school is not difficult.' is a liar. School is never easy, they don't make it easy, but if you deal with it correctly then you'll survive. And living with you...", I took another breath and I saw Lizzie getting worried, afraid that she had done something wrong.

She worries too much. Because of all these worries, she doesn't see how awesome and lovely she is. " with you has been amazing. I love it, I love your house, my room, your food just everything. I really am so thankful for you and Ash and that you took me in. I really missed this feeling of family."

My voice was quiet at the end, but Lizzie heard it anyway. Her eyes were lightly teary and she pulled me close to her on her lap, hugging me from behind.

"I am so happy that you are here with me, I love having you around. You brought joy and love back in my life. I love you, Y/n." Lizzie confessed and at the last sentence, I felt a tear roll down my face.

I haven't heard this sentence in ages and I haven't felt loved since ages. Never again after my mum passed. In this moment it felt real, it felt like she really means it.

I felt her tighten her grip a bit, she wasn't expecting me to say anything, but I wanted to, so I said: "I love you too, Lizzie."

We sat like that for I don't know how long. But I felt my eyelids getting heavier and I soon fell asleep.

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