wicked mean face

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Jade is slumped over a table in the chemistry lab.

Each table is enough for four people, and usually they pair up in twos. Alex was usually her partner, but he had come down with the flu and hadn't been at school for four days. Which meant Jade was forced to brave the Stelena romantic talks while being on the other side of them, feeling pathetically alone.

Stefan and Elena were opposite her. Jade caught snippets of their conversation in between, but the way they sat close to each other, and randomly brushed hands made her really pissed off. Usually Alex and her kept a nice commentary going, which made things less boring. But today was the worst of it. With Katherine and all the drama, they took literally every second of nearness to extremes.

"Is this seat taken?"

Jade startles and looked up at the new voice. If she had any less self control, her jaw might have dropped, because the prettiest guy she'd ever seen at school had just walked up to her. "Uh, no. Go right ahead."

He sat down next to her. She locked eyes with Elena who raised her eyebrows and said, oh my god. Stefan's eyebrow furrowed and he looked at the guy furiously, definitely because his girlfriend was looking at him like he was a piece of meat and she was a devout non vegetarian.

He extends a hand and she shakes it. "I'm Paxton Hall. I just moved here."

"Jade Forbes. I've...always been here."

She winces. But Paxton gives her a broad smile and drops her hand. "I know. You're the one who answered all the questions in science class."

"I'm sure it wasn't all of them..."

"Oh it was. I counted. Seventeen questions in a row."

Maybe it was just the paranoia caused by recent events, but she let her ring brush against his arm. He didn't burn. Good, she thought. Atleast he's not a vampire.

"So, what uh... experiment are we doing today?"

Jade perks up immediately. "Okay, so currently we're doing like synthesis reactions and today we have the fifth one, aspirin. The teachers not here yet, so the procedure hasn't exactly been explained and we're technically not supposed to start without the teacher."

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. God. He even made that look attractive somehow. "But?"

"I may have read ahead."

He laughs slightly. "Okay, professor Jade. Explain it to me."

She could feel eyes on her and she turned to see Elena looking at them happily, while Stefan was glaring. Was he still mad that Elena had looked at him?

She turns back to Paxton. "So first you need salicylic acid..."


Damon had a terrible idea.

Granted, most of his ideas were terrible, but Jade had admit this was the worst.


"You haven't even heard the best part."

"No! Damon, no killing people for no reason!"

"I'm not going to kill him! I'm just going to...poke him a little."

Damon was going to try and stab Mason Lockwood with a silver knife to prove that the man was a werewolf and expose him.

"What if the silver thing is a myth?"

"We thought werewolves were a myth and they turned out to be real," he points out.

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