he's a hero

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Sometimes Jade wonders how she and Caroline are even related.

Usually, when it was the last day of a school year, it meant returning all the library books. Jade mourned the loss of her favourite anatomy books, the ones that were too heavy to carry.

Damon was helping her carry them, but she hadn't forgotten how it had been Stefan who'd helped her way back when she had no idea about the fact that he was a vampire.

Ugh. She missed him too much.

Now that all her tasks were complete for the day, she got to the one thing she was least excited to do.

Senior prank night.

"We're so going to get caught," she told all her friends worriedly, "we're going to get caught. Or worse, expelled."

"Will you relax? It's the last day! Nobody's getting expelled."

Damon frowns at the mouse traps. "We used to do much better things than this for pranks."

"Yes. We get it. Back in your day everything was nice and perfect and now everything is horrible," Alex says with a sigh.

Damon shrugs and gives him a subtle look. "Well, not everything."

Somebody suddenly comes in and all the traps go off at once.

Jade glowers at Matt. Caroline throws her hands up and starts shouting. "Ohh! Oh, come on! Seriously?! Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!"

Tyler gives his friend a look. "Forgot about senior prank night, huh?"


"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year."

Elena nods. "Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this."

"Caroline's making us," Bonnie says.

Caroline shook her head and started repeating the words she'd been saying since yesterday. "We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..."

All of them except Matt complete the next part, having heard it far too many times. "And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?"

Caroline glares at all of them. "Go ahead and make fun, I don't care."

Tyler gets up to leave. "You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank."

Jade shrugs. "I hired a mariachi band to follow the principal around all day."

Elena gets up. "I'm going to superglue Alaric's desk shut." She gives Caroline a look. "I'm making memories."

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