making him care

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

Damon had a bad idea.

Jade should really get used to that by now, but it always ends up being so surprising how many bad ideas he has in one singular day.

Jade and Damon enter Stefan's cell. His head had been bowed down, but he looked up as they entered.

"You know, if you all are gonna keep me locked in here for the next decade, I think we can skip the routine visits."

"You know I'm not a big champion in this whole Lexi-Recovery-Plan... But little miss sunshine thinks this could work. So we're giving it a try."

"Why are you here?"

Damon shrugs. "What are you talking about? It's Family Day at Vampire Rehab! So, I'm paying a visit to my baby brother."

"Go away."

Damon shook his head. "Nahhh. I thought we could hang out, a little brother bonding." He walks over to Stefan and puts his hands on his shoulder. "How've you been, Stef? Huh?"

Stefan shrugs him off. "Great. You can go now."

Damon observes him for a minute. "You really have given up."

Stefan smirks at him, in a way that looks slightly crazy. "Actually. This is my happy face."

Damon breaks the chains binding him very easily and tosses them over to the wall. Stefan looks confused. "What are you doing?"

"I think we could all use a drink."

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Damon leads her and Stefan to a bar. They settle on chairs, putting Stefan in the middle. Damon flags down the bartender. "What are we drinking?"

"Hopefully something a little bit warmer...and a little blonder..."

He eyes Jade up and down. She rolls her eyes, ignoring the little jumps her stomach is doing.

"Okay, rule number one," Damon tells his brother, "no eating Jade."

The bartender walks by and Damon starts to compel her. "Hello Callie. I would love a shot of your best whiskey, and my brother here would love a shot of you." He looks at Jade. "She'll have a virgin mojito."

"Screw you too, old man."

Stefan looks at Callie the bartender and back at the two of them. "What's the catch?"

"No catch, brother. Drink up. It's on me."

Stefan grabs Callie's wrist and bites her while Damon and Jade lean over to hide them from both sides.

"Hi Callie."

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Later, the three of them are sitting in a corner table, playing a drinking game wherein both of them have some blood, while Jade has the mojito.

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