beautiful killer

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

Homecoming. With everything that had been going on in their town, homecoming probably should have been the last thing on Jade's mind.

But it wasn't. After her and Rebekah had...gotten close the past few nights, they'd immediately made plans of going to homecoming together. Rebekah was wearing a red dress, while she was going to wear a black one.

All while the rest of her group was planning on killing Klaus.

Damon sits down on the couch with a glass of bourbon in hand. "Alright. Requests for killing the jolly fellow are officially open."

"Doesn't Mikael have the Klaus killing weapon?"

"He does. But we need several back up plans in case he pulls an Elijah."

Lexi shrugs. "We steal the weapon from him and use it on Klaus ourself."

Jade turns to Damon. "So, what do you think this mystery weapon is?"

"I'm ninety percent sure that it's a stake. From the wood which the ash comes from."

"So do the same rules apply? Does the stake kill a vampire if they use it? Or not?"

The older Salvatore shrugs. "No idea."

Jade rolls her eyes. "Well, this murder planning session is going fantastic."

Elena interjects. "There's no other way to kill Klaus aside from this weapon right? Even the daggers don't affect him."

"What if his head gets chopped off?"

Alex scrunches his nose. "I'm pretty sure it grows back."

Jade nods, thinking to herself. "Okay, so what if we use one of those giant cutter things to chop his body in different parts, like the head, arms, legs. Then we mail each part individually to a different country? It'll stop the...the healing thing from happening, right?"

Damon opens his mouth and then closes it. He repeats the action one more time. "One problem with that plan. It's insane."

Alex widens his eyes in horror. "What if each individual part grows into one separate Klaus?"

"Okay, you two are banned from making plans. Ever."

They discussed some specifics for a while before dispersing. She'd gotten the best job, in her opinion. Making sure Rebekah didn't change her mind. Which meant she could spend all her time with the original vampire, and everyone would think it was because of the plan, and not suspect her...other motives.

Although it was pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that there was something going on between the two of them.

"Have you seen Rebekah?" Damon asks, while watching Mikael's dessicating corpse on the ground.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now