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It was still dark outside by the time Reagan arrived at Hilltop, stopping the car close to the Gates, and he honked the horn of his truck three times.

The honking made Riven stir, and soon he opened his eyes, blinking them a few times to get rid of the sleepiness.

He let out a small groan, turning his head to look at Reagan with a small tired glare, but as he went to say something, he started coughing.

Reagan honked the horn once more, and the gates of Hilltop open, in the headlights stood Jesus, and a few others, many with glares on their faces for being disturbed from their sleep.

Reagan drove into Hilltop, stopping his truck right outside of the infirmary, and he got out of his truck as Jesus rushed over.

"You don't usually do late night visits." Jesus spoke, his eyes furrowed in concern, and Reagan sighed,

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be. It's Riven, I think he had some sort of infection from his wound." Reagan told Jesus,

"What are you waiting for? Bring him into the infirmary, and I'll get doctor Carson." Jesus responded about to leave, but Reagan stopped him.

"I can't leave the baby in the car. Riven will kill me if I leave her in there." Reagan said, and Jesus looked surprised, looking inside, seeing a wide awake baby, staring right back at him.

Jesus looked at Reagan, "You kidnapped a baby?"

Reagan scoffed, "What, no. I didn't kidnap the baby. Her mother died and asked Riven to take care of her, and now we're stuck with her. Do you have someone who could look after her?"

Jesus nodded, "Yeah, I do, actually."

"Good, get them." Jesus rushed away, and Reagan opened the back door, seeing Riven taking Mercury from her carseat.

"..you should ask if they have something for her to eat." Riven spoke, smiling a little at Mercury, as she played with his bracelet.

Reagan was about to reply when he felt something pressing against the back of his head and his gun being taken away from him.

"Back up, slowly." Riven turned his head as a familiar voice rang out, frowning a little as Reagan backed up from the truck, a gun trained on him.

"Riven, you alright?" Riley questioned, glancing at Riven, who nodded,


Suddenly, Enid appeared, smiling a little,"Hey, Riven, I can um take her." She gestured towards Mercury.

Riven held Mercury closer, narrowing his eyes at Enid, "It's okay," Enid told him with a small chuckle, "I know how to take care of a baby, I took care of Judith sometimes."

Riven nodded, and he carefully handed Mercury to Enid, "she hasn't eaten anything, yet, um, her baby bag is somewhere, you gotta ask Rea."

"Passenger seat." Reagan spoke, and Enid glanced at him before looking back at Riven,

"I'll keep her safe, I promise." She told Riven before she grabbed the baby bag from the passenger side and headed towards the Barrington house.

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