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Riven sat on the living room floor of the Grimes house with Judith, playing with the small nerf gun that one of the saviors had found around Alexandria.

Riven had made a cut-out board walkers, just small ones, so Judith could have targets to shoot, but Riven was sometimes making Judith purposely miss to shoot Negan, who was making himself at home in the grimes house.

Judith had found it funny every time the foam bullets hit Negan. Usually, they smacked him in the side of his head or in his face.

Reagan was sitting on the couch, watching Riven help Judith shoot at the cardboard walkers with foam bullets.

The whole thing felt weird to him. It felt domestic and familiar.

Reagan remembered one time, he and his sister were shooting at each other foam bullets while their mom was cooking in the kitchen and their father was watching TV in the living room but he joined in shooting at his kids with foam bullets every once in a while.

His mom had gotten a bit annoyed by the foam bullets flying into the food, but after dinner, she had taken a Nerf gun and attacked all of them with it.

Reagan missed her, and he missed his sister. He just missed the way things were, and he wondered for a moment as his eyes focused on Riven, who was smiling, a real genuine smile.

If the dead hadn't started getting up and ending everyone's normal life, would he have still met Riven?

Reagan was snapped out of his thoughts when a foam bullet smacked against his chest, and he picked up the bullet that landed beside him and looked at Riven with a raised eyebrow

Riven simply grinned at him as Judith let out a giggle. Riven chuckled, "I think I'm getting rusty, I was aiming for your head."

Reagan tossed the foam bullet back at Riven, who caught it, and handed it to Judith.

"You, rusty? I don't think that's possible." Reagan spoke, Riven clearly doubts his own skills, and Reagan needed to change that.

Riven is a good shot, better than anyone in the sanctuary, better than himself even, and he hasn't seen his knive skills yet, but he had heard rumors around the sanctuary that Riven was impressively great with knives.

Besides his great skills in being a marksman, Riven has some really great art skills.

Those walker cardboard cutouts actually looked pretty real, and he did those in only under an hour.

"..you keep spacin' out like that, and soon everyone's gonna be thinking you're having seizures." Riven voice broke him out of his thoughts, aiming the Nerf gun to shoot Negan.

He pulled the trigger at the same time the door opened, and someone walked in.

The bullet was blocked by the person, and Riven let out a small sighed once he saw who it was.

Reagan sat up straighter and narrowed his eyes at the woman who had entered the house like she owned it.

Negan spun around and grinned at the woman, "Why, hello there. I'm Negan, and you are?" He approached her, standing in front of her.

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