Chapter 6: Thank You

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In the temporary set of the Einzbern Castle, Shinji called out to Illya.

Earlier, they had been filming a trial scene where Illya kidnaps Shirou. The overall effect was good, but Shinji believed Illya could do even better.

"What's up, Shinji onii-chan?" Illya bounced over to Shinji and looked up at him with her cute, big eyes.

Shinji bent down, meeting Illya's gaze, and said, "You did great just now, but if you make your innocent expressions even more natural, it would be perfect."

Among the main actors, Illya had the most distinct personality difference from her character in FSN, making her portrayal the most challenging.

Although most of the actors weren't trained professionals, their characters in the script closely matched their own personalities. As long as they could act naturally in front of the camera, they were successful.

Illya, on the other hand, was an exception. Without the dark experiences from the original story, she was truly an innocent heiress.

Of course, the Illya in the original story wasn't a typical villain in the traditional sense either.

Shinji felt that describing Illya's character as morally ambiguous would be more accurate. This placed high demands on Illya's acting abilities.

However, Illya was quite diligent, and while her performance was far from perfect during rehearsals and filming, it did show her rapid improvement.

But perhaps due to the script's setting, where Illya's actual age was that of an older sister compared to Shirou, Illya always wanted to display a more mature side when acting. This made her performance seem a bit forced.

"You're doing great, Illya."

Shinji placed his hand on Illya's shoulder and continued, "But I know you can do even better. Didn't you tell me you're a genius actor? Show me all your potential."

Illya wrinkled her nose, pouted, and muttered, "I will."

When Illya had said this earlier, she was actually hinting to Shinji to give her more scenes, which would provide a legitimate excuse to skip classes.

Little did she know that Shinji would actually hire a private tutor for her, and it was one-on-one tutoring at that. As the only elementary school student in the cast, this was far more painful than attending school.

"Shinji, you scheming onii-chan!"

Illya blushed and put on a pouting expression that said, "I'm super mad!"

Unfortunately, Shinji had no interest in the 10-year-old loli and simply waved her off, saying, "Go get ready."

The makeup artist immediately followed Illya, helping her and Shirou, who was also about to leave for a scene.

For the next while, the crew continued with trial shots rather than full production.

Even though many shooting techniques had been planned during pre-production, the difference between conceptualization and on-site filming could sometimes be quite significant for newcomers like Shinji.

Additionally, the cinematographer for the production had been hired from a film company and wasn't personally trained by Shinji. While the cinematographer's skills were good, they still needed time to adjust to Shinji's vision.

"Ah, now I understand why renowned directors have their own regular crew. That way, they don't have to get everyone acquainted anew every time they make a new film."

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