Chapter 25: Who Is This Man in the Blue Tight Suit?

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From a cinematic perspective, Gilgamesh's sudden appearance as the final boss was a bit abrupt.

After all, the movie had limited runtime, and to ensure a good viewing experience for the audience, it was common to introduce the final boss at the beginning, and in many superhero movies, this character was even featured the subtitles.

Even if there were plot twists later on, at least this character would appear early in the story, giving the audience time to become familiar with them.

However, Shinji's Fate/Stay Night didn't follow this convention; Gilgamesh made a grand entrance without any prior introduction.

There was no buildup, no foreshadowing, he simply appeared on the big screen.

Because Shinji believed that Gilgamesh's character was meant to be abrupt to provide the audience with the strongest impact and to ensure they remembered him.

"Who is this arrogant guy?"

Indeed, at the moment of Gilgamesh's entrance, the audience was captivated by him.

Just his golden armor, which shone so brightly that it illuminated the entire theater like daylight, was enough to make Gilgamesh stand out.

"It seems like he's the final boss, after all. What an unexpected twist," Natsu commented, his mouth twitching slightly. "The director of this movie really likes to play with unexpected plot twists."

From the beginning of the movie, Natsu had been speculating about how it would conclude, specifically, which Servant Saber would face off against in the final battle.

He initially ruled out Rider, as this character seemed more like a mid-boss no matter how you looked at it.

Lancer also had potential; it wasn't uncommon for the initial antagonist to become the final adversary in a similar plot. However, Natsu felt that Lancer lacked the aura of a final boss.

In Natsu's eyes, Berserker had the highest probability of being the final opponent.

Hercules, the legendary Greek hero known for his incredible strength, had the appearance and aura fitting of a final boss.

Little did he know that this "Legendary Hero" would be killed off by the main and female lead.

Until Gilgamesh's entrance, Natsu had thought that the final showdown might be Saber against Caster.

The movie had hinted at Caster's alliance with Assassin earlier, and a battle where Saber faced a 2-on-1 situation against them would have been exciting.

However, the plot took an unexpected turn.

Upon returning to the Emiya residence, the protagonist's group fell into an ambush by Caster, a mysterious woman concealed in a hood who intended to make Saber her Servant.

Before the audience could understand what was happening and before the on-screen Shirou Emiya could make a decision, Gilgamesh burst onto the scene.

In just a few minutes, the entire yard of the Emiya residence, along with a part of the house, turned into rubble. The mysterious beauty Caster, who had appeared for less than five minutes, was turned into minced meat. But the audience didn't want to know what was going on; they just wanted to applaud and cheer.

The adrenaline rush from the intense visuals and explosions, combined with the light pollution, made them ecstatic.

Gilgamesh's awe-inspiring performance conquered the audience as soon as he made his move.

"How can Saber defeat such a powerful enemy like Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh's strength was evident, and while Saber was exceptionally skilled, she felt powerless against the torrential rain of Noble Phantasms.

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