Chapter 32: Idol

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The magus' desire for FSN's high box office wasn't hard to understand. After all, in this day and age, studying magecraft was an endeavor with an imbalanced input-output ratio.

With the decline of mysteries, magus were pouring more and more resources into researching the mystical arts, but the results they obtained were dwindling.

Many magus families had exhausted their wealth in this process and had become impoverished.

Although there were politicians, business tycoons, or landowners among magus, like the Matou family, the majority of magus families were declining just like the Tohsaka family.

FSN's appearance was like the first ray of dawn, and magus realized that magecraft could actually be used to make money, and big money at that.

Even though the Japanese yen wasn't very strong, 2 billion yen was not a small amount. Many Clock Tower research departments didn't even have an annual budget of 2 billion yen.

While everyone understood that not all of those 2 billion yen belonged to the production company, they also knew that 2 billion yen was definitely not FSN's endpoint.

Because in the fourth week, FSN's box office surged again, reaching 1.56 billion yen, breaking the 3 billion yen milestone in Japan and reaching 3.56 billion yen.

The reason for this was that Shinji had found a way to mobilize another huge group of Japanese moviegoers – Japanese housewives.

Don't underestimate these housewives who spent most of their days at home.

According to the statistics in the Japanese entertainment industry, they were the largest consumer group for entertainment in all of Japan, even surpassing children and otaku.

The reason was simple: housewives controlled the household finances and had plenty of free time.

Having money and leisure time, coupled with no other responsibilities except household chores, made these housewives ideal for pursuing their interests in stars and dramas.

Johnny & Associates, for instance, was elevated to the position of Japan's number one talent agency largely due to the support of housewives.

Shinji's method to mobilize these housewives was quite simple. He had edited a special FSN ad featuring the handsome male actors and had Aniplex air it during daytime dramas, which were the housewives' favorite programs.

This idea had actually been suggested to Shinji by the enthusiastic young fangirl of Gilgamesh during the preview screening. It made him realize that the King of Heroes had a charisma that could captivate the majority of women around the world.

Originally, Shinji had planned to use Gilgamesh as a backup plan if the box office couldn't be boosted. But before he even got around to it, FSN's box office took off, and now Gilgamesh had transformed from an underdog into a trump card.

But it's not just about giving extra help; adding a touch of beauty to something already beautiful can be nice too.

At least, Gilgamesh's good looks had quite an impact on those housewives. Enchanted by the handsome Gilgamesh they saw in the trailers, these ladies brought their families to the theaters to watch FSN.

After watching the movie, they complained about Gilgamesh's limited screen time but treasured his photos because Shinji had arranged a special promotion where attendees would receive character photos after watching FSN.

This move made housewives all over Japan eagerly participate in the event, hoping to get their hands on Gilgamesh's photos. It was unknown how many mothers, while giving these photos to their children, secretly kept Gilgamesh's photo for themselves.

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