Chapter 44: You've Drank Too Much

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Despite having dinner with Touko that evening, nothing significant happened between them. As Shinji had mentioned earlier, the dinner was merely a bribe to persuade Touko to accompany him to the Clock Tower.

Touko was not pleased with Shinji trying to win her over with just a meal. After all, she was one of the contemporary world's top crafters of magical tools. She believed that her worth was worth more than a single dinner, maybe at least two!

This indicated that Touko, in addition to being knowledgeable in magecraft, had a rather limited perspective.

Inviting Touko to the Clock Tower was not a random decision but the result of careful consideration. Shinji had two primary objectives for this visit.

The first was to inform Kayneth and Waver about the shooting of Fate/Zero and discuss preparations for the filming schedule.

The second was to strengthen collaboration between the various magus families, so they would contribute to Shinji's entertainment empire.

However, Shinji was well aware that these magus families were not to be underestimated. After the success of FSN, they might have some ulterior motives. Taking Touko along was a precautionary measure to discourage any of these magus families with hidden agendas.

It wasn't that Touko had any exceptional qualities, but her presence symbolized Shinji's attitude: "If you push me too far, I'll collaborate with native Japanese magus instead!"

As a wandering magus who had traveled the world, Touko understood the implications of Shinji's choice. Still, she agreed to be part of his strategy, considering the luxurious dinner as a bonus – an all-expenses-paid trip to England.

In this world, Touko wasn't under the Mage's Association's restrictions, so she could freely enter and exit the Clock Tower.

"The air in this country is as terrible as ever."

Shinji, dragging a suitcase, walked through the streets of London. He looked up at the misty sky and commented.

"Yeah, it's gloomy all year round," Touko, who followed behind him, nodded in agreement. "The high humidity here affects my craft as well."

"It really is miserable."

Shinji chuckled nonchalantly.

Upon arriving in England, Shinji didn't head directly to the Clock Tower. Instead, he took a stroll around the city to check on FSN's promotional work. After enjoying a leisurely meal at a restaurant, he finally set out for the Clock Tower, located in the outskirts of the city.

People often have misconceptions about British cuisine, and the jokes about "British dark cuisine" are as prevalent as those about French cuisine.

However, if you've lived in the UK for a while, you'll realize that British food isn't as terrifying as people commonly think. Many of the bizarre dishes attributed to British cuisine, often joked about online, are things that even many British people don't eat, and some might not even know about them.

Of course, it doesn't mean that British cuisine is exceptionally delicious. When compared to French or Italian cuisine, British food might not have the same gourmet appeal. British desserts, on the other hand, are known to be quite good and are famous across Europe.

But like most British dishes, these desserts are often laden with butter, to the point of being greasy, which may explain why there are so many overweight people in the UK.

In consideration of their health, Shinji hardly indulged in British desserts, merely nibbling on a small piece of biscuit.

"Even so, I find them quite heavy," Shinji said with a touch of resignation, smacking his lips.

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