Chapter 9: Would You Like Some Mapo Tofu?

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In the end, driven by shame and pride, Rin staunchly resisted using the product provided by Shinji.

Furthermore, seemingly to prove her resolute stance to Shinji, Rin not only refused but also confidently declared a colossal proclamation.

"I'm only 16 now, and I'm sure I'll develop more in the future! The current situation is definitely not my endpoint!!"

Shinji felt that Rin was merely indulging in wishful thinking.

After all, Shinji had traversed countless parallel worlds of Type-Moon and witnessed various versions of Tohsaka Rin.

From being the head of the Tohsaka family to a pirate captain, and even being possessed by a goddess, which version of Rin hadn't Shinji seen?

Regardless of the version, Rin's body curve had essentially reached its limit.

The only exception was Ereshkigal, but Shinji was more inclined to believe that it was an artist's drawing mistake, because the official data had Ereshkigal's three-dimensional measurements identical to the one in front of him.

Regarding whether Rin could further develop, Shinji always held a stance of natural progression and indifference.

Anyway, the greatest selling point of Rin has always been her legs, legs, and more legs.

However, no matter how you looked at it, Rin's current form was already her limit. To go any further, one would have to wait for her to wake up and continue her dream talk.

Therefore, Shinji responded confidently to his childhood friend's declaration, "The thing is right here with me. Whenever you need it, just come find me. As for the price, I'll keep it at the original rate, absolutely no price increase."

"Even if I, Tohsaka Rin, never grow any further and remain at this level for the rest of my life, I won't use your junky stuff!!"

Watching Rin point up and down with her index finger, Shinji shrugged his shoulders and quipped, "Then I'll look forward to the day you truly want it."

With that said, taking advantage of Rin pondering what his retort meant, Shinji discreetly used his magecraft to activate his specially crafted magecraft attire on Arturia.

Under Shinji's controlled magical flow, the gelatinous substance suddenly came to life, resembling jelly, and swiftly slipped into Arturia's neckline.


The icy-cold sensation caused Arturia to emit a muffled hum, and her cheeks involuntarily flushed with a tinge of red.

Luckily, the peculiar sensation from the attire only lasted for a brief few seconds. As the "false chest" shape settled and solidified, its color transformed to match Arturia's skin tone perfectly, and its temperature rose to match Arturia's body heat.

From an external perspective, aside from Arturia's bust suddenly gaining a size, everything else remained unchanged, appearing incredibly natural.

"Hmm... truly remarkable." Arturia gave it a little shake and commented, "Aside from a slight increase in weight, there's no discomfort at all. Master, this invention of yours— Master, what are you doing?"

Lifting her head, Arturia realized that Shinji was directing a camera towards her.

"Your expression just now was fantastic!" Shinji gave Arturia a thumbs-up, "A naturally bashful expression like that is definitely worth capturing! With a change in background, it might even make it into the final cut."


The corners of the King of Knights' mouth twitched unnaturally.

"Master, sometimes I really can understand why Rin dislikes you so much."

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