Chapter 20: It's a Wonder that Britain is still around

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Tohsaka Residence.

"Thank you, Shinji-kun."

Tokiomi opened the invitation letter handed to him and glanced at its contents.

"It's the day after tomorrow?"

Tokiomi raised his head to confirm with Shinji.

"That's right, it's tomorrow night at 8 PM at the Neo Cinema." Shinji nodded, speaking matter-of-factly, "It's the FSN preview screening."

The Tohsaka family had provided significant assistance to the FSN movie, so it was only natural for Shinji to invite the entire Tohsaka family.

"Is the movie about to be released? Truly, you live up to your reputation, Shinji-kun."

Tokiomi gently stroked the envelope of the invitation letter, a glint of light passing through his eyes, as he muttered softly.

"If the movie succeeds, it might even be a turning point for the Tohsaka family..."

Shinji, with his sharp ear, heard Tokiomi's mutter and raised an eyebrow.

'When I brought the project proposal over, you definitely didn't have this expression...'

If Shinji's memory served him right, Tokiomi agreed to the project somewhat reluctantly due to the compensation Shinji offered. If it weren't for the Tohsaka family's current decline, with Tokiomi's pride and traditional ways, he wouldn't have easily agreed to Shinji's plan.

However, today's Tokiomi's attitude was completely different from before, surprising Shinji.

'Who changed Tokiomi's mind?'

Shinji couldn't help but have that thought.

Nevertheless, Tokiomi's attitude had little impact on Shinji. After all, the one reaping the largest benefits from his project was undoubtedly his own Matou family.

If the Tohsaka family wanted to join in, due to the long-standing relationship between the two families, Shinji wouldn't reject them.

"Tokiomi-san, about your response..."

"My daughter and I will attend."

Tokiomi replied calmly.

Shinji smirked, "Is that so? Then it's settled."

"Yes, that's right."

Shinji's overly light-hearted attitude made Tokiomi furrow his brows slightly.

"Shinji-kun, you..."

"Oh my, oh my."

Seeing Tokiomi's expression that seemed like he wanted to lecture a junior, Shinji quickly changed the subject, asking the third person in the room, "Grandpa Risei, what brings you to Tokiomi-san today?"

"Shinji, it's been a while." Risei laughed heartily, "You've really done something big this time, giving face to the Mayor of Fuyuki City."

"Oh no, you're too kind, Grandpa Risei."

Shinji scratched his head bashfully.

Compared to Tokiomi, this old man treated Shinji like his grandson in earnest, making it harder for Shinji to handle him.

"My rascally young one hasn't caused you any trouble, has he?"

Risei patted Shinji's shoulder forcefully, asking loudly.

"Of course not, your son is quite talented in acting. You can look forward to his excellent performance tomorrow."

Shinji hesitated for a moment but chose not to mention the incident of Kirei "promoting" Mapo Tofu on the set.

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