Chapter 18: Kariya: Why is it me again?

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Selling his own uncle to a wealthy woman was just a thought for Shinji.

Regardless of success or failure, even if it did succeed, it wasn't certain that it would harm the company's interests.

"Director Matou."

After the long wait, Nao finally spoke.

"My colleagues and I are very interested in your FSN. We have the intention to bring this movie to the market."

She opened her notebook, held a pen in her right hand, and propped her chin with the other hand, her face wearing a formulaic smile.

Hearing her words, even Shinji couldn't help but feel a twinge of joy.

After years of preparation and months of hard work filming, he finally saw a glimmer of victory.

With a smile on his face, Shinji nodded at Nao.

"Thank you, Udagawa-san! It's my honor."

Nao was satisfied with Shinji's attitude, and she continued, "I value this collaboration with Type-Moon Film Company, but we still need to discuss the specifics."

"No problem, we have plenty of time to discuss."

Eager to finalize the collaboration successfully, Kariya interjected.

Seeing his uncle speaking out of turn, Shinji discreetly kicked him.

Confused, Kariya turned his head, only to meet his nephew's disapproving gaze.

After admonishing his not-so-subtle uncle, Shinji re-engaged in the negotiation.

"Specifics?" Shinji crossed his arms over his chest. "Isn't your company becoming the distributor for FSN?"

"Bandai will indeed distribute Fate," Nao replied, lightly tapping the pen in her right hand. Her slightly emphasized tone indicated that she held the upper hand in this negotiation.

"However, the way we will distribute FSN is by owning all the copyrights to this movie."

"You want to buy the movie outright?"

Shinji furrowed his brow slightly, his expression showing a hint of displeasure.

Seeing Shinji's displeased look, Kariya fell into confusion. Isn't it common for an independent film to be bought by a distribution company? However, recalling the earlier kick, Kariya could only keep his mouth shut.

The elderly gentleman from the family had called beforehand to notify Kariya that this negotiation would be led by Shinji. Kariya could only act as Shinji's assistant, even if the negotiation failed in the end; he couldn't overstep his authority.

Unlike Kariya's visible frustration, Nao's expression remained unchanged. She made a welcoming gesture and said, "Director Matou, if you have any ideas, feel free to propose them. As long as they are reasonable and beneficial to both sides, we can consider them."

Nao's words sounded noble, as if she was genuinely concerned for Shinji's interests.

It was as if a leader was telling their subordinate, "Feel free to make any requests," a statement that was often met with skepticism.

But who was Shinji?

As someone who could hold his own against the ancient mages of the Clock Tower, Shinji wasn't one to mince words.

"I hope that Type-Moon Film Company can sign a distribution contract with Bandai..."

"Director Matou, are you hoping for a revenue-sharing collaboration model?"

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