Chapter 21: Each one of You Possesses Extraordinary Skills

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As they entered the theater, Shinji couldn't help but once again criticize the outdated movie equipment in Japan.

This Fuyuki City cinema, the only one in the city, only had five screening halls. Four of them could barely accommodate less than a hundred people each.

This hall showing FSN was the largest in the entire cinema, but it only had around 300 seats.

In order not to disturb the moviegoers, Shinji had arranged the seats for the production team members and invited guests towards the back of the hall. As a result, the first few rows were filled with audience members who had won the screening tickets.

The trial screening in Fuyuki City was quite simple. In addition to the production team members and fans, only a few staff members arranged by Bandai to collect audience reactions were present.

For the Tokyo screening, Bandai had also invited a few entertainment newspaper journalists to attend. However, most of these journalists were from small and local media outlets. Major newspapers like Kinejun wouldn't attend such events for lesser-known films.

As for film critics, after the lessons learned from Toho's trial screening, and considering that film critics generally didn't favor tokusatsu movies, Bandai decided not to invite them for publicity.

In reality, even if Bandai had invited them, those critics probably wouldn't be very willing to come. Bandai's promotional strategy for FSN was relatively conservative, and the compensation offered wasn't attractive enough to entice those greedy individuals.

Shinji couldn't have been happier about this. After all, those lofty old folks wouldn't enjoy FSN anyway, so there was no need for them to suffer by watching his movie.

Compared to them, those old critics who liked to nitpick were the least of Shinji's concerns. He was more interested in the reactions of the audience on-site.

Apart from the production team members and invited guests, nearly 230 regular moviegoers were invited to this trial screening in Fuyuki City. Their ages ranged from 15 to 45, with a decreasing proportion as the ages increased.

The age composition of the audience was based on Shinji's understanding of the demographic that consumed movies from his previous life, encompassing nearly all potential fans of FSN within that age range.

"We'll be starting in five minutes."

Sitting in his seat, Shinji adjusted his body. He turned to look at the heroic spirits from his team, warning them not to act out during the screening.

"All of you, don't cause trouble in the theater! Otherwise, when we get back, I'll use a command spell to make you all eat Kirei Mapo Tofu!"

Thanks to Kirei's relentless "promotions," Mapo Tofu had become the least favorite food among the heroic spirits. It was the most detested dish without exception.

"Hey, Master," Cu Chulainn immediately responded, "You know me. My premise for causing trouble is that I'm drunk. All we have here is cola, right?"

'What premise do you need for causing trouble?'

Medusa pushed up her glasses and patted the book on her thigh, saying, "Master, you know me. I only like reading books."

'It's so dark during the movie, can you really read anything?'

"Master, you know me. I don't generally cause trouble unless the golden king and Chu Chulain can't hold back and start to cause trouble."

This is the eagerly excited EMIYA.

Yan Qing knocked on his legs and innocently said, "Master, you know me. I absolutely won't cause trouble. Others are the ones who would."

'Are you planning to disguise yourself as someone else to cause trouble?'

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