Chapter 45: Do You Have a Problem with Me?

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"My receding hairline is a hairstyle issue, not related to my drinking!"

Just as Waver opened the office door, he heard the roaring argument of his teacher that sounded like a dragon's roar.

Without a second of hesitation, Waver turned around and tried to close the door, saying, "Ah, I've come at a bad time, I'll leave first."

Unfortunately, even though Waver's actions were swift, they were a step too late.

"Waver, where do you think you're going?"

Kayneth directly stopped Waver.


Waver's hand clearly hesitated for a moment, and he awkwardly replied, "I saw you were busy, so I didn't plan to disturb you."

Kayneth gestured with his finger, ordering, "Come in."

Waver wanted to struggle a bit more, "Isn't this not good? Decisions are made by you and Mr. Matou; where does a small fry like me fit in?"

"If you resist three times, you can forget about inheriting my research in your whole life!"

"If you use this matter to threaten me again..."

Waver sighed deeply.

Even if he wanted to, Waver accepted his fate and walked into the office.

"I'm doing this for research."

Waver convinced himself.

But he knew it was just an excuse.

The real reason was that he couldn't refuse his teacher's request.

Back then, when his research was criticized by everyone, despite having a perfect thesis defense and answering all the questions, those traditional magi, high and mighty due to their bloodline, tried to make things difficult for him. They even resorted to personal attacks. It was Kayneth who had stood up and supported his viewpoint, recruiting him as his apprentice—even though Kayneth's motive might have been to recognize his talent.

When everyone in the Clock Tower rejected him, slandered him, and humiliated him because of his meager bloodline, only this teacher was willing to support and protect him.

Even though Kayneth never said it aloud, gratitude was already etched in Waver's heart.

This trust was one of the few warm feelings Waver had at the Clock Tower.

Therefore, when Kayneth suggested giving up the position of Head of the Mineralogy Department to become the Head of the Modern Magecraft Theory Department, when everyone couldn't understand why Kayneth made such a decision, Waver was the first to support Kayneth's choice.

However, no matter how much he supported his teacher, Waver felt that he still needed to have some bottom line. That bottom line was Shinji Matou.

Because of this guy's influence, Kayneth abandoned the fourth-ranked Mineralogy Department and moved to the most obscure Modern Magecraft Theory.

Moreover, every time they met with Shinji, it meant that Waver would have a bunch of additional work.

Even though Waver was diligent, he wasn't a masochist who liked to work without rest.

In Waver's eyes, Shinji Matou was just a troublesome advisor who constantly gave his teacher bad ideas, plus his natural nemesis.

So, if possible, Waver really hoped to avoid Shinji.

Especially after he recently tricked Shinji with Miss Flora in Cannes, it made Waver even more worried about what revenge Shinji might take.

"Oh, Waver, don't look at me with that kind of gaze. I'm not a devil, you know~"

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⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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