Chapter 39: Never Change

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What Cloris said about "support" doesn't just refer to supporting Shinji individually but the entire team that includes Shinji.

"Lissy, you're not only beautiful but also quite smart in your thinking," Shinji shook his head.

From a short-term perspective, it's a good thing that the Type-Moon Film and Television Company is being acquired by industry giants like the Time Group. It can provide the company with a broader platform.

But looking at the long term, this poses significant hidden risks for the future of Type-Moon Film and Television Company.

Acquiring a company is based on a comparison of strengths, and Type-Moon Film and Television Company is nowhere near the scale of the Time Group. After the acquisition, Shinji is likely to lose his say in the matter.

Don't talk about signing power agreements; Shinji has seen enough cases where big companies acquire and then abandon smaller ones.

If Shinji only wanted to make money, selling the company and the team to the Time Group wouldn't be a problem. But in this life, Shinji is a dreamer, and he wouldn't be willing to give up on his entrepreneurial dreams so easily.

"It's impossible, Lissy, don't even think about the team being acquired. If you keep pestering me like this, I'll just go talk to another company."

Cloris wasn't bothered by Shinji's firm words. She smiled and said, "Shinji, can't you leave some room for our future cooperation? Just sign for one movie. Isn't that like letting the Time Group do the initial legwork, and then you can reap the benefits afterward?"

Shinji didn't respond to Cloris's words; he just touched his nose.

Cloris furrowed her brow, pretending to be very reluctant. "I admit that this Fate/Stay Night movie will sell well, but as you said, Shinji, it will require a significant investment from us in terms of promotion."


Cloris squinted and smiled, "So, Shinji, you should leave us some profit margin, right? Without profit, no commercial company would invest."

Shinji pointed with his hand, "I've already compromised on the revenue share."

"That amount of money is just not enough; no matter how high the box office for a single movie, it's only so much. You should give your big sister more room to make money."


Shinji made a confused sound.

"After all, the distribution cost of a movie is quite high."

Cloris counted on her fingers, "Movie advertising and promotion."

"Isn't your family running a TV station?"

Shinji retorted directly.

"Theater revenue share."

"Weren't these calculated in the initial costs?"

"Rating and censorship fees."

"Are you even counting these tiny costs?"

"There are also printing costs for promotional materials, magazine advertorials, film copying fees... From movie promotion to release, the money I have to spend on my end is countless."

Cloris lightly tapped the table with her hand after each item she mentioned, as if emphasizing how important the things she was saying were.

"Lissy, what you're talking about are the necessary expenses for normal film distribution; don't keep bothering about it."

Shinji clenched his teeth, his tone as if he were cutting his own flesh, "Since you insist so much, I'll give you an additional 0.2% profit share."


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