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Sunday afternoon a very excited Alura came bursting through the door with Ava, Sara and Alice behind her. "Momma! Mommy! Lori! I'm home!" Alura squealed as she ran into the living room. "Alura! Hello darling! Did you have a good time?" Kara asked. "Yes mommy!" Alura replied. "Did you tell Ava and Sara thank you?" Lena asked as she held Lori in her arms. "Yes momma." Alura replied. "Good girl! Go put your things away please." Lena replied. Alura headed upstairs with her stuff leaving everyone else in the living room. "She did her homework, and they stayed up till ten last night. They were watching a cartoon movie under a blanket fort in the living room. But she's been fed and watered, and we took her on a daily walk in the park." Sara joked. "Well thats good! I'm glad she had a good time." Kara replied.

"Yes she did. Alice had a wonderful time too." Ava did. "Yes! I did. I like having Alura over. She's my best friend." Alice said. "I'm glad to hear that! Maybe sometime you can come stay here one weekend if you'd like." Lena replied. Alice looked at everyone before speaking. "I'd like that very much." Alice replied. "Sooo is this Lori?" Sara asked. "Yep! This is her." Lena replied as she moved Lori so everyone could look at her. "Awe she's adorable!" Ava gushed. "She's tiny!" Alice said. "That's cause she's a baby, but one day she'll big like you." Kara replied. "Lori!" Alura said as she entered the living room.

"She missed you darling, sit down here and you can hold her." Lena said as Alura hopped up on the sofa next to Alice. Lena passed Lori over to Alura and helped her adjust her hands. "I wish I had a little sister." Alice said. Ava and Sara shared a look before looking back at everyone else. "Maybe one day." Sara replied. "So... how are things going at work?" Lena asked. "Really slow." Ava replied. "But it's about to pick up soon since we've started doing more advertising." Sara said. "Oh thats good news." Kara added.

"Mommy! Lori stinks!" Alura said. "I'll take her! I'll be right back." Kara said as she picked up Lori and headed off upstairs. "Mrs. Luthor-Danvers? Wheres the bathroom?" Alice asked. "Oh it's upstairs, and you can call me Lena. Alura will show you." Lena replied. Alura hopped off the sofa and lead Alice upstairs to the bathroom. "So how is L Corp doing?" Sara asked. "It's going really well actually! We've been developing some new technologies for cancer treatments." Lena replied. "Oh how interesting." Ava replied.

A few minutes later everyone returned downstairs minus Lori who was now in her cot for another napping session. "Well we better get going. Alura, we look forward to having you back again sometime." Sara said. "Thank you Sara, Ava. Bye Alice! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" Alura said as she hugged Alice before she and her moms left.

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