Chapter: 63

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Wei (Y/n) looked around with a small smile. Qinghe was the same as the last time she had stayed here, even if that was a little too long ago. The streets looked as busy as ever, but people didn't miss the point of looking at Lan Xichen and her and whispering among themselves. It had spread around quite fast that the Madame of Lan had wakened and now that they had seen her walking with her husband confirmed the very thing.

She chuckled lightly as she heard happy exclamations of Lan Zhixin was amused and cheerful as he looked around the new place with great curiosity.

He had never come here before and was trying to take in every sight the new place had to offer. He lightly tugged on Xichen's robes, and his father stopped, gently asking the child what he wanted.

"Bunny." he pointed at the little figurines he saw. "Like Jiejie's..." Lan Xichen chuckled and nodded.

"Yes.. they are just like A-Fen's bunnies. Do you want one?" Lan Xichen smiled at the child, who nodded excitedly, "Mh!"

Wei (Y/n) laughed and went to the vendor to buy the figurine her son had pointed to, "Here you are.." she handed him the little figure, and the child smiled happily."Thank you, Mama!" Zhixin smiled brightly.

Wei (Y/n) gently pulled his cheek, making him squeal. She and Lan Xichen laughed at this and continued to the main residence.

When they reached there, they were greeted by Nie Huaisang, who bowed to both of them, "Xichen-Ge, (Y/n)-Jie.." A smile was on his lips. Lan Zhixin immediately extended his arms to the male, amazed by his shiny hair accessory, and Huaisang wasted no time, taking the child from Lan Xichen.

Wei (Y/n) smiled at the action, slightly confused because Lan Zhixin did not like going to strangers. "Ah-Xin is fond of me as I visited Gusu often with Da-Ge and played with him." He smiled and said as he looked at her.

"Ah! I see." She chuckled and nodded. Huaisang led them to the main hall, and they all sat down. "Da-Ge had to go on a night hunt yesterday night. He will be back shortly." He smiled, and Lan Xichen nodded with a smile. "No worries." He assured.

"Huaisang... Can you tell me about his condition?" Wei (Y/n) asked, and Huaisang sighed. He began to speak as the maids left the room after serving them.

"Da-Ge always had a quick temper, but he's getting worse." He sighed, "He gets angry at the simplest things, and it almost feels like his spiritual energy is not in control sometimes."

"Qi deviation..." She whispered under her breath. She nodded, "I'll see what I can do, Huaisang. Do not worry." She gave him a small smile. "Husband... You play cleansing, No?" She asked and Xichen nodded. "I do."

"That settles it... We'll play for him." she smiled, causing Huaisang to smile, "Thank you both."

She waved her hand with a smile and lifted her veil enough to drink tea, humming at the taste. Lan Xichen was conversing with Huaisang while Zhixin calmly sat on Huaisang's lap playing with Huaisang's fan and the figurine they had bought on the way.

"Xichen, (Y/n)..." Mingjue came into the room, his arms folded behind his back. A barely noticeable smile on his lips as he saw his sworn siblings. "I apologize I wasn't here to welcome you."

(Y/n) and Xichen stood, politely greeting the male, "It isn't a problem, Mingjue-Ge." She smiled. Lan Xichen nodded, agreeing. "I hope the hunt went well," Xichen said with a smile.

Mingjue nodded, "There weren't any casualties." He smiled and motioned them to sit as he took his seat.

"How was your trip?" Mingjue asked them, and Xichen smiled, replying to the male. "It was alright, Da-Ge." Mingjue nodded and smiled at the child.

"How is A-Xin? Did he like it here?" He asked, and the child nodded enthusiastically. "Mh! look! Bun!" He smiled happily, showing his uncle the figurine, and Mingjue pat the child's head. "It's pretty."

Mingjue wasn't a soft man by any means, but this soft side was only for his closest people. Lan Xichen and Wei (Y/n)'s little family was the one that remained in the small circle he cared for with all his heart. When Wei (Y/n) was unconscious, he often visited Gusu. During that time, Zhixin became fond of him as he did of the child.

"Do you feel well (Y/n)?" He asked the female, who smiled with a nod. "Yes. I feel much better than before." She answered, and Mingjue hummed, "You two should stay here for the night. It is not safe to travel at night with a child." He said and picked up the cup of tea in front of him.

"And no excuses." He cut the female as she began to speak. Wei (Y/n) sighed with a smile and locked eyes with Xichen, who smiled and nodded. "Of Course, Da-Ge," Xichen said with a smile.

"A-Xin is falling asleep," Mingjue noted the yawning child, and Huaisang looked down. "Ah..." He smiled softly and stood, "I'll put him to bed if you don't mind.." He looked at (Y/n), and she chuckled. "Not at all. Go ahead." She nodded, and Huaisang gave a small smile, careful as he carried the child out.

"He loves to spoil him." Mingjue sighed, and (Y/n) shook her head, "He won't. It seems Huaisang will be the favorite uncle soon." She chuckled, and Xichen laughed. "So it seems.."

"Mingue-Ge... How have you been?" She asked, and the male looked at her confused, "I'm well-" "Your Qi is unstable." She cut the male off gently.

He sighed and shook his head. "You do catch up quickly." He hummed as he sipped the tea as placed the cup down.

"What happened?" She inquired, and Mingjue sighed. "It's because of Bàxià." He told them, and Lan Xichen hummed, nodding.

"Da-Ge has been using Bàxià for a long time, so it may be the reason why Bàxià's spirit has started to affect you." He said, and Wei (Y/n) also nodded, agreeing.

"Me and A-(Y/n) can help you with this by using cleansing, but you would have to go through this at least once every week." Lan Xichen said summoning his Guqin and (Y/n) summoned her flute.

"Close your eyes and try to regulate your Qi." She said softly and began to play. Soon a light and calming tune cut through the air, putting everyone who heard it at ease. Xichen soon joined in, playing his guqin. The beautiful and alluring harmony created a song so pure that Mingjue forgot everything for a moment. His breaths calmed and his mind cleared.

Wei (Y/n) was always good at playing flute and cleansing, but during her time with Meiying she had become much better at it, her songs were more powerful and more effective now.

Huaisang stood outside the main hall, not entering, and just smiled, he could almost see Mingjue relax as they both played. He knew someone had something to do with Bàxià and Mingjue's Qi deviations but he didn't know who. He had cleared a few people from his list. He knew they wouldn't ever dream of hurting him. He would find out who it was... and when he did, he would create a revenge plot for the world to see.


"I see... She is in Qinghe." He mumbled as he held the letter. "No matter how much I try to keep you safe from my plots... You always find ways to come in the way..." The male crumpled the letter in his hand.

"Can't you just stay away... A-(Y/n)..." A name he knew wasn't his to call, but what could he do?

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