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Chapter 83: The Deep Sea (VII)

It wasn't an exaggeration or any kind of metaphor—the "staff member's" face really did crack open.

That overly pale layer of skin split, revealing what was hidden beneath the façade—yet another layer of skin.

This skin was clearly different from that of a normal human, not just in its paleness but also in its unique texture: it had a peculiar flexibility.

As more and more of the "wall-like shell" peeled away, Mu Sheng faintly saw tiny flashes of light refracted in the dim lighting.

This light wasn't unfamiliar to him; he occasionally saw it when he looked down at his own tail.

However, Mu Sheng's scales were much lighter in color, softer, and more graceful, while the glimmering light that leaked from the cracks on the "staff member's" face was much darker and more dangerous. Even just a glimpse of it radiated a palpable sense of threat.

Scales were also an important characteristic for identifying deep-sea creatures, and this clearly indicated that the uninvited guest before him was no ordinary deep-sea being.

In fact, the fact that the other could walk around unnoticed in this form already proved its extraordinary nature.

Inside the ecological tank, the mermaid floated, at a loss, staring at this unidentified "creature" in front of him, clearly confused by its mixed human and deep-sea traits.

The "staff member" moved their lips, as if trying to say something. Their pale fingers reached out, but just before touching the light barrier, their movement abruptly stopped, and they collapsed to the floor.

It was as if a puppet with strings suddenly had all its threads cut, collapsing unconsciously to the ground without even the reflex to brace for the fall.

Mu Sheng was startled but quickly realized the reason for the sudden reaction:

The door to the lab had been opened.

The security personnel, unable to tolerate the feeding staff's prolonged stay any longer, approached during their patrol to offer a reminder.

But upon opening the door, they were shocked to find the young man lying motionless on the floor.

Startled, the guard quickly pressed the alarm on their belt and opened their walkie-talkie, urgently calling for backup: "C3 situation, requesting support!"

The previously quiet and dim research facility instantly came to life. Red lights flashed through the room, and the previously calm deep-sea creatures began to stir in the tense atmosphere.

Researchers, hastily called back to work, were shouting orders, their neck veins bulging: "Everyone, stay where you are! Report any unusual activity immediately, and don't act rashly. Wait for the protection team to arrive!"

The Heavily Armed Guard entered the room to investigate, giving a signal, and the motionless staff member was quickly carried out.

Mu Sheng stared at his unharmed face for a while before flicking his tail and hiding among the coral when he caught sight of a researcher in full protective gear.

Researcher: "All indoor equipment is functioning normally, and there are no signs of damage to any of the barriers."

This indicated that the deep-sea creature in the room hadn't attacked the injured feeder, but the researcher's expression grew even more serious.

Researcher: "The deep-sea creature that attacked the human may still be on the loose in the research facility."

However, security personnel had already conducted a preliminary search and found no suspicious targets.

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