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Chapter 87: Deep Sea (XI)

It's hard to imagine that this merman, described in the emergency documentation as "having escaped and then being injured and captured by humans," was now causing such chaos.

After the merman's striking tail flicked, the humans inside the room noticed something was wrong. The water in the room suddenly started to "boil." Both the water in the ecological tank and the water exposed to the air began to exhibit active movement. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that it wasn't actually boiling but rather that the droplets of water seemed to be summoned and controlled, moving at an ultra-fast frequency, creating the illusion of boiling.

This phenomenon quickly evolved. The active droplets of water, despite being in a relatively small ecological tank compared to the vast ocean, began to create an illusion of being caught in a storm at sea.

The researchers stood in place, dumbfounded, watching the flashing red warning signs and the light barrier that was showing signs of extreme damage. They inwardly gasped, "My God..."

This was the terror brought by the primordial deep sea.

Just a second after his exclamation, a huge wave formed in the tank crashed down with such force that even through the various special glasses and light barriers, a tremendous noise was heard. The special glass of the laboratory, weaker than the light barriers, had already cracked in several places. The white cracks spread like spider webs, and it was easy to imagine that soon the confined water would burst out and flood the entire room.

The people inside were in a state of utter panic. Commanding roars urged others to quickly turn on the room's drainage system and prepare high-strength transfer containers to move the powerful merman to a new room.

Xiao Li, although not present, felt the urgency and pressure through the video. He almost wanted to grab the researcher's collar and roar, "What's going on here! How did such a dangerous merman get into the research institute? Didn't you see its previous attack on the outdoor light barrier? How many lives can withstand its water control abilities?"

"Why are you only telling me about this now? Go report it to Blair immediately!"

The researcher sent for emergency assistance also had a grim expression. With his collar grabbed, he dared not offer any rebuttal and explained, "We have contacted Mr. Blair, but his communication device has been offline, and we couldn't reach him."

"The patrol team said that when they discovered this mermaid, it appeared to be stranded and in a weakened state. After successfully using their weapons to weaken it, they decided to bring it back to the institute in exchange for a reward."

The institute frequently issues tasks to exchange rare deep-sea creatures for rewards, and there are many nearby expedition teams and mercenaries who make a living this way. The patrol team, compared to more experienced and seasoned expedition mercenaries, was much less experienced and had a terrifyingly shallow understanding of powerful deep-sea creatures.

Xiao Li just wanted to kick those clueless idiots out. This mermaid was unfazed by the soldiers armed to the teeth and the institute's most powerful weapons. The patrol team had only small-scale weapons meant for dealing with minor fish and shrimp. Against the mermaid, those might not even scratch its skin.

Xiao Li could no longer maintain his professional composure as a researcher; his veins were bulging with anger: "These idiots, how could the mermaid possibly be stranded with its water control ability? I think they've lost their minds!"

The researcher wiped his face and said, "Xiao Li, now is not the time to investigate the source of the problem."

Xiao Li said, "Then tell me, besides cursing those brainless idiots, what else can we do right now!"

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