Potion's Class

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Draco Malfoy had made it perfectly clear to Hermione that he had wanted nothing to do with her. And because of this, Hermione had not been herself lately. 

For example, she tried to go back to her usual routine and focus every ounce of her energy on school work. It just wasn't the same as it was before though. Harry and Ron helped her, though. She was forever grateful that she had two best friends always by her side. 

Potions was one of the classes that Hermione knew would be difficult to focus since it was combined with the Slytherins. 

"Ready to brew Angel's Trumpet Draught in Potions today?" Zack came up running up to Hermione who was walking to the dungeons. She smiled and they walked together, side by side. Hermione had to keep up with his long legs. 

"Oh, yeah. Definitely." Hermione replied sarcastically and Zack grinned. She never would have made a sarcastic comment about a class before! Hermione knew she was acting more different every day and was trying to go back, but just couldn't. 

As she took a seat, she looked around for Harry and Ron who were in front of her. That's funny. Normally, the three of them all sit together. Her thoughts quickly passed away as Zack took a seat next to her and started talking about how Snape wasn't going to like his assignment because it was an inch under the requirement. 

Hermione noticed Draco come in and take a seat next to Pansy Parkinson. She looked away quickly and felt an urge to yell something. Anything. Instead, she smiled up as Zack started laughing with other Gryffindor Quidditch players about the upcoming game. 

As he sat down, Hermione saw from the corner of her eye that Draco was looking over. She took hold of Zack's hand, without thinking. 

He gave her a questioning look,  but his green eyes were smiling nonetheless. She grinned at him and he started stroking at her thumb. 

Professor Snape walked through the door and Zack dropped his hand. Hermione actually felt a twinge of disappointment. 

"Silence," Professor Snape ordered and immediately everyone simmered down. 

"Good," he sneered as everyone's eyes focused on him, not wanting to be his next victim. 

He paced back and forth through the cold room and stopped as he began to talk again. "Today, we are going to be making the Angel's Trumpet Draught as most of you should know. It shouldn't be too difficult to brew," he glanced at Harry and Ron and gave the class a look, "but for others, it will be a struggle."

Zack looked at Hermione and mouthed, "Partners?"

Hermione was about to nod when Snape cut in and said, "You will be working individually. Whoever makes the best version of this potion in the sixty minutes given, will win a tiny tube of Felix Felicis, also known as 'Liquid Luck.' And...begin!"

Students got up so abruptly in anticipation to begin. Everyone wanted to win the the luck, but Hermione needed it. She got up and went to her station and begin to work. 

Come on, Hermione, you can do this, she thought to herself. With this luck, she could forgot all about stupid Malfoy and his obnoxiousness towards her.

Malfoy. The thought of her made her inadvertently look over at him. It would appear that Draco had also wanted this liquid luck that everyone else in the room was so determined to get. 

Hermione added some egg to the potion and gave it a stir. So far, it was looking good. She was pleased to see that about half of the class had a different color from hers. 

She added a sprinkle of common rue and Hermione figured she was about done with it. Five minutes left. Hers looked perfect and she smiled. Zack's didn't looked too good but he didn't seem to care too much about it, as he was talking to Lavender Brown nonchalantly. 

"Time!" Snape called out and everyone backed away from their cauldron. 

He started from the opposite side of the room. 

"Potter, yours is horrifying. Weasley, I don't even know where you went wrong with this." He sneered and continued down the row, "Longbottom, this is a nightmare."

A few more insults later, he ended up by Draco's. "Malfoy, yours is pretty decent."

Then, his gaze went to Pansy's cauldron which was located right next to Malfoy's. 

"Parkinson, yours is the best out of the class. Surprisingly."

Pansy beamed and smirked. "I tried hard, professor."

"Very good. Here is your bottle of Felix Felicis. I suggest you use it wisely."

"Oh, I will!" Pansy snatched the bottle out of Snape's hand and let out a victory shriek. 

"Professor!" Hermione called out and everyone turned to face her. "You didn't even check mine!"

"So confident that yours is better than Miss Parkinson's, now are we,  Miss Granger?" He walked towards her and Hermione took a deep breath. 

"I'm just saying that it's not fair how you gave it to Pansy without looking at everyone's first." 

Hermione saw Zack walking to her cauldron and she started to get nervous. What was he going to do?

"Professor, Hermione's is way better than Parkinson's!" Zack said loudly and in the background there were murmurs of agreement, from the Gryffindors of course. 

"Are you telling me how to teach my class, Mister Malfoy?" Snape asked, his eyebrows raised. 

"I'm just going off of what Hermione said," Zack responded, not even flinching.

"Draco, get over here," Snape ordered and a shocked Draco who quickly wove off his initial reaction and went blank face, walked over. 

"Draco, will you tell me what you think of this situation." Snape asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. 

Zack glared at him and Hermione looked him in the eyes, daring him to go against them. 

"I think that Parkinson won it fair," he said to Snape, who sneered. 

"Well, there you have it. No more arguments." With that, the class left. 

This is when Hermione knew that there was truly nothing between them anymore. He didn't even try to argue. 

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