Just another butterbeer...

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After the long Hogsmeade trip filled with girls who were more excited to wear their dresses than the actual ball, Hermione met up with Ron and Harry who said they would be with Fred and George near the woods. 

As all the girls said goodbyes, Hermione pulled her cloak tightly around her; it only warmed up a few degrees, but with the wind you could barely tell. 

"Good-bye, girls! Hope you all have a great time at the ball and all of your dresses are lovely!" Madam Rosmerta exclaimed and they all said their thanks and left. 

"Hermione, your dress is to die for!" Lavender complemented and Hermione beamed. 

She was in love with her dress and was more than excited to see Viktor with it on her. 

"Thanks, Lavender. Thanks for inviting me to come along. I really had a great time," Hermione said. She really did have fun, overwhelming, but fun. 

"No problem. Let's just hope that Viktor literally drools when he sees you in the dress!" Lavender giggled and Hermione forced a laugh. She hoped so, too. 

"Well, I'm going to go meet up with Ron and Harry. I'll see you all later tonight in the Great Hall for dinner," Hermione addressed to the whole group and they all said their goodbyes and went in different ways. 

Hermione went slower than she usually walked. She liked to gaze upon Hogsmeade. All the shops were brightly lit with warm holiday colors and she love to smell the scents. Closer to the woods it smelled like fresh pine, which is where Hermione was headed. In Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop it smelled like holly and cinnamon. But what Hermione really loved was the scent of spearmint. 

Hermione followed the footprints headed near the trees, so she knew she must be near to the gang. Finally, right when the snow was about to get to thick for her to walk through, she saw Harry, Ron, Fred, and George all talking together and laughing. 

She walked over and smiled. "Hey, guys."

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed and pulled her into a hug. She figured he was only doing that because of the cold. 

"How was the dress shopping, I heard you were going with Krum?" George asked, his cheeks almost red as his hair. 

"Krum, eh? He's an alright guy, didn't know you were his type, but I guess anything can happen," Fred continued, and Hermione blushed. 

"Oh, yeah, Hermione I heard that Viktor is going to find you soon and wants to hang out. Don't know why or if it's true, though," Harry told her. 

Hermione nodded and realized that they were all holding out their wands. "What are you guys doing anyway? It's freezing out here, wouldn't you rather go get a Buttbeer or someting?"

The boys looked hesitant. Hermione knew something was up if they didn't tell her right away. She hoped it wasn't about her. 

"Well?" Hermione waited and the boys exchanged glances at one another. 

"If you're cold, go and get some Butterbeers, we'll meet up," Fred said, avoiding her eyes. 

"Let's just tell her! She deserves to know!" Ron spoke, looking at Harry who finally nodded. 

"Okay, I guess. We were going to tell you, Hermione. This might be a surprise since you and Malfoy are...you know....tutoring and everything, but today when we were walking to Hogsmeade, he-"

"It's alright, Harry. I already know. He tried to jinx snowball me, yeah," Hermione confirmed and looked up at them. She admitted to herself that the fact he was actually going to do that, hurt. Espcially since she didn't know what kind of jinx it would've been. For all she knew, he could've seriously hurt her. But after dress shopping, her mind was off it. She still cared, but just less. 

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